WWE Hell in a Cell 2009
Horror Spooky | 10/09/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Hell in a Cell World Heavyweight Championship Match: CM Punk (Champion) vs. The Undertaker
A brutal match that will probably be overlooked since it's the opener. Undertaker threw Punk against the steel multiple times, even hitting a big boot on the apron that sent Punk flying into the steel. A similar thing like this happened when Punk went for a bulldog off the apron. Punk crawled under the ring to escape from the clutches of Undertaker and then dropkicked the steel steps into Undertaker's knees. Punk tried to use a steel chair on Undertaker to keep him down, but this attempt failed. Undertaker then went for the Chokeslam, but Punk countered. Undertaker then countered Punk's Go To Sleep attempt into a Tombstone Piledriver attempt, but Punk countered. Punk then hit some basic offense and went for his knee strike/bulldog, but Undertaker countered into the Last Ride. Amazingly, Punk kicked out. Punk brawled Underatker into a corner and ran at him with the steel chair, but Undertaker kicked it into his face. Undertaker then hit the Chokeslam followed by the Tombstone Piledriver to win the match and become the new World Heavyweight Champion. Winner: The Undertaker. Match Rating: 5/5
Intercontinental Championship Match: John Morrison (Champion) vs. Dolph Ziggler
Nice, fast-paced action, but I expected more from these two. It was back-and-forth, but they stalled too long at the beginning. Ziggler hit a series of high impact moves to start with, but Morrison continually kicked out. Towards the end of the match, Morrison hit Ziggler with a sweet enziguri followed by the Starship Pain to get the victory and retain his Intercontinental Championship. Winner: John Morrison. Match Rating: 4/5
Divas Championship Match: Mickie James (Champion) vs. Alicia Fox
Sort of sloppy at first, but this match really took me by surprise. James's attempts to go to the top rope were thwarted multiple times by Fox, but James finally hit the flying Lou Thesz Press that she does. This started a small brawl, but James dodged the Scissors Kick and hit fox with a DEVASTATING DDT to get the pin and retain her title. Winner: Mickie James. Match Rating: 4/5
Unified WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Chris Jericho and The Big Show (Champions) vs. Batista and Rey Mysterio
Awesome match. Mysterio and Jericho put on a clinic in the ring, with Mysterio hit a ton of high-impact moves and high-flying moves on Jericho, including a springboard moonsault, but Jericho managed to dodge the 619 multiple times. Mysterio tried to take on Big Show by himself, but Big Show tossed him around like a ragdoll. Jericho and Batista went at it for a while, but Batista managed to dodge the Lionsault. Batista was then hit with a big leg drop from Big Show, but Mysterio broke up the pin with a springboard splash maneuver. Batista and Mysterio hit some tag team moves as well, but despite two 619s, Mysterio couldn't put Big Show away, who finally hit Mysterio with a Chokeslam to retain the titles. Winners: Chris Jericho and The Big Show. Match Rating: 5/5
Last Chance Hell in a Cell WWE Championship Match: John Cena (Champion) vs. Randy Orton
Awesome match that was extremely surprising. The match started with them brawling on the outside, and both men used the cell to hurt one another. As the match continued, both men countered one another's finishers, and they each tried to use the steel steps against each other, but their attempts failed. Orton hit his signature offense, as did John Cena, who also hit the Five-Knuckle Shuffle, followed by the Attitude Adjustment! Amazingly, Randy Orton kicked out. Cena then locked in the STF, but Orton crawled out of the ring to break the hold. Orton then kicked Cena into the referee, which knocked the referee out, but Cena then locked in the STF again, and Orton tapped. Cena thought the match was over, so he let go of the hold. Orton then hit the RKO out of nowhere, but Cena KICKED OUT! A frustrated Orton tied cena in the ropes and choked him out. Orton then hit the Concussion Punt to win the match and become the new WWE Champion. Winner: Randy Orton. Match Rating: 5/5
Drew McIntyre vs. R-Truth
Stupid match. R-Truth tried hard to make it interesting by hitting some nice dropkicks and other high impact and high-flying moves, but McIntyre made the crowd dead. All he did was use some submission holds on R-Truth, but R-Truth hit the Scissors Kick on McIntyre, who kicked out. McIntyre went for the Double-Arm DDT, but R-Truth rolled him up for a weak two. R-Truth went for another Scissors Kick, but McIntyre dodged it and hit the Double-Arm DDT to win. Why didn't ECW have a match? Why did this crap have to be on the card at all? Winner: Drew McIntyre. Match Rating: 2/5
Triple Threat United States Championship Match: Kofi Kingston (Champion) vs. Jack Swagger vs. The Miz
This match was too sloppy to reach its full potential, but it was still pretty good, except for the ending. At first, everyone was just all over the place. Swagger ate a Boom Drop and a vicious Trouble in Paradise from Kofi, the latter of which occured when Miz ducked out of the way at the last second. Miz then hit the Skull Crushing Finale, but Swagger put Kofi's foot on the bottom rope at the last second. Swagger dominated Miz and then hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb, but Kofi then hit another Trouble in Paradise on Swagger, finally pinning Miz for the win and to retain his title. I'm sorry, but Kofi has had the belt for way too long. Winner: Kofi Kingston. Match Rating: 4/5
Hell in a Cell Match: D-Generation X (Triple H and Shawn Michaels) vs. Legacy (Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase)
Very brutal. The match started with Legacy ambushing DX while they made their entrance, which made a brawl ensue. Rhodes ate a double suplex onto one of the announce tables, as well as a back body drop over the fan barricade and smacking into the Cell! DiBiase suplexed Triple H from the crowd to ringside, and then the brawl continued. Rhodes slammed Michaels's leg in the cell door and then used the chain meant to lock the door to knock Michaels out. Rhodes and DiBiase isolated Triple H on the stage. They hit a double DDT on Triple H on top of the stage, and then DiBiase applied the Million Dollar Dream momentarily to allow Cody to get into the position to hit Triple H with the Cross Rhodes on the stage! Rhodes and DiBiase then were locked in the Cell with Michaels, who tried to fight back, but failed rather miserably. DiBiase and Rhodes hit tag team moves on Michaels, though Michaels occasionally had a spur of offense that was made up of his signature stuff. DiBiase and Rhodes then used the Cell to attack Michaels while Triple H watched helplessly from the outside of the Cell. Triple H tried to break the chain on the Cell using a steel chair but failed, so he disappeared to the backstage area. In the ring, Michaels pulled a steel chair from under the ring and chucked it into Cody Rhodes's face! Rhodes and DiBiase then continued on the offensive, with Rhodes holding the chair right on Michaels's head while DiBiase hit a vicious Randy Orton-style dropkick right into Michaels's head! Triple H came back with bolt cutters and cut the chain off the cell door. He saved Michaels from the assault from Rhodes and DiBiase, who had resorted to applying the Figure Four Leglock around the steel ring post as well as the Million Dollar Dream combination that defeated him at Breaking Point. DiBiase was thrown into Rhodes, who was on the apron, and Rhodes was sent flying into the Cell! As the match continued, Triple H and Michaels dominated, with Triple H pushing the referee down to keep the door open. Triple H hit DiBiase with a Pedigree on the outside and then rolled him out of the ring, then he instructed the referee to lock the door! This put DiBiase in Triple H's earlier position as Triple H set up the steel chair around Cody's throat. Michaels hit a Flying Elbow Drop on the chair to crush Rhodes's throat! Then, simultaneously, Michaels hit the Sweet Chin Music while Triple H smashed his sledgehammer into Rhodes's face to win the epic match! Winners: D-Generation X. Match Rating: 5/5
In all actuality, this was a great event. There didn't seem to be much backstage shenanigans like we're used to, just a couple of interviews here and there, but the actual wrestling was very nice. However, despite this being a very solid pay-per-view that is definitely worth checking out, it will ruin Hell in a Cell for you. It's not that the Hell in a Cell matches on the card are bad, it's just that they are not nearly as brutal as they used to be, with the exception being the main event. It's sort of an overkill of Hell in a Cell, taking away from the mystique that used to surround the structure. With that being said, it's still worth your time, just not as violent as you would expect."
Taker, orton, and dx reign supreme in the cell
J-Man | 10/05/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Overall, i was pleased with this solid ppv, dispite no blood. The hiac matches didn't dissapoint and suprised me with their odd postions in the card. One suprising highlight of the event was jerishow vs. rey/batista, which was a better match than i expected it to be. Thanks for reading!
Hell In A Cell Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk vs. Undertaker
I was very suprised with this being the opener! This match had way better action and booking than their encounter at breaking point. Taker began the match with some nice offense, throwing punk into the cage. Punk then turns things around and throws taker into the steel steps. Punk was in control for the next few minutes, getting in alot of offense. Later in the match, taker is on the outside and punk dives through the ropes and the deadman goes hits the cage. They go back in the ring, trading punches and headbuts, taker goes for a chokeslam, but punk kicks him in the back of the head. Punk brung in a chair and nailed taker with it, only to get a 2. Punk went for another chair shot, but got a boot in the face. In the end, undertaker chokeslams punk and then connects with a tombstone to win the world title! The match was kept short, only about 11-12 mins since taker is somewhat hurt. Overall this was a good opener and the crowd was really into it. Match Rating:3.5/5
Intercontinental Championship
John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler
Lots of good action in this one, but was outshined by the cell matches. Good offense by both ziggler and morrison throughout the match and some really creative moves. A good edition of mat wrestling aswell. Morrison failed to hit the starship pain throughout the match, but finnaly hit it in the end to beat ziggler and retain the ic belt. Match Rating:4/5
Divas Championship
Mickie James vs. Alicia Fox
This was a very sloppy matchup. Fox wasn't ready for a title shot on ppv and mickie just couldn't carry her to a good match. Mickie james reatains with a ddt. Match Rating:2/5
WWE Unified Tag Team Championship
Chris Jericho and Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio and Batista
This was a very impressive match, which took me by suprise. Rey and Y2J started the match off with some nice offense. Jericho tagged in show and big show dominated mysterio for a while, until mysterio tags in batista. Batista cleans house, but out of nowhere, jericho stops him with a codebreaker! Y2J and big show work on batista back and forth. Mysterio eventually tags in and gets a nice ddt on show and another cool moment with batista spearing both jericho and show on the outside. When it looked like mysterio and batista had the win, show countered rey's follow up from the 619 into a knockout punch. Overall, a very solid tag match and the best showing by far from the jerishow tag team. Match Rating:4/5
Hell In A Cell Match for the WWE Championship
John Cena vs. Randy Orton
So far this is their best encounter this year, surpasing summerslam and breaking point. Lots of brutality in this one. Cena had a mixed reaction with the nj crowd mostly sidding with orton. Lots of back and forth action with cena hitting the attitude ajustment early, only to get a 2. Orton executed some nice spots with the steel chair, with cena making a comeback and locking in the stf, but orton got out and rolled to the outside. Later, orton got a rko on cena, but at this point the ref was knocked out. A clever ending with orton trapping cena in the ropes and chokeing him, so the ref pulled cena out and orton connected with a punt for the win. The crowd was anti-cena here and even after the match when cena walked out, he got somewhat booed. Overall, this was a very good encounter. Match Rating:4.5/5
Drew McIntyre vs. R-Truth
I saw this match coming. Nothing special, just a filler with drew getting his first ppv win against r-truth. Noticable boring chants from the crowd throughout. Match Rating:2/5
Backstage, there was some tension between dibease, rhodes and orton, which is proboly leading up to the dibease face turn, later in the year.
Triple Threat Match for the U.S. Championship
Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger vs. The Miz
Average match. Throughout the match the miz and swagger double teamed kingston. Miz makes the first turn, giving a clothesline to swagger. In the end, swagger hit the gutwrench on the miz and then kofi got a trouble in paradise kick on swagger to get the win. Kofi once agian, gets a suprising retain. Match Rating:3.25/5
Hell In A Cell Tag Team Match
D-Generation X vs. The Legacy
I was suprised this was the main event, instead of the two world title cell matches. Overall, with the action, this defiently had the main event feel. Legacy attacks dx on their entrance. Dx turns things around by giving a suplex to rhodes on the announce table. Lots of back and forth action after that as rhodes and hbk fought by the cell and hhh and dibease foughout on the ramp. Later, rhodes gave a crossrodes to triple h on the ramp. Dibease and rhodes put michaels in the cell, locking the door, leaving the game behind. Legacy brutalized michaels, but hbk ocassionaly came back, only to get beat down. Triple h tried to break the door down many times, but couldn't. Dibease connected with a million dollar dream on hbk on a steel chair. Triple h finnaly got in, unlocking the chain with bolt cutters. Triple h went right for legacy pounding them down, while a ref came out with another chain. The game used it as a weapon on dibease and then gave him a pedigree and threw him on the outside. The cage was locked again, with dx now using the handicap advantage on rhodes. A very brutal ending, with triple h hitting rhodes with the sledgehammer and michaels giving rhodes a sweet chin music at the same time. Dx got the win after that. A good main event. Match Rating:4.25/5
WWE pulled this ppv off, giving three solid hell in a cell matches.