Smackdown Card for TV not PPV
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This was more like what you would view on an episode of smackdown. Half of the card was pathetic because of the mediocre roster smackdown had to work with.
1. U.S. Title 4 way
John Cena vs. Booker T vs. RVD vs. Rene Dupree
This was a great opener. This is one match I did not feel like I was going to fall asleep watching. All 4 men put on a great show and Cena is the victor in the match.
2. Luther Reigns vs. Charlie Haas
This was thrown together out of desperation. HORRIBLE and BORING match. Reigns wins.
3. Cruiserweight Title
Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero
solid match. great showing by mysterio and chavo. Its hard to believe that Rey is feuding with the big dogs(Orton, Henry, Angle) now.
4. Billy Gunn vs. Kenzo Suzuki
Why?!?!?! was this match sanctiioned? Useless card filler. Smackdown hardly had any talent to work with. Kenzo wins.
5. Torrie Wilson vs. Sable
Torrie is hot but she is not a wrestler. Sable was better when it was 1998, 1999. Bad ending. Sable wins. 3/10
6. Hardcore Holly vs. Mordecai
Again, another useless card filler. A yawner of a match. Mordecai wins. 2/10
7. WWE Title Texas Bullrope Match
Eddie Guerrero(RIP) vs. JBL
Finally!!!!!!!!! a good match to review. A great match by these 2. They totally stole the show and turned it into a brawl. Guerrero should have retained and had a little longer title reign. JBL wins. 9/10
8. Concrete Crypt Match
Undertaker vs. Dudley Boyz
Confusing main event. Heyman keeps running his mouth in the match threatening Undertaker that he will drown Paul Bearer in the cement. Undertaker wins but the ending was shocking.
To me this was more like a regular Smackdown card to view on tv."
One of the Worst WWE PPVs of 2004
G Smasher | Wherever I want to Be | 02/08/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"In 2004 Smackdown was absolutely atrocious after Wrestlemania XX. Everything just flopped, and nothing showed that more than their trilogy of abysmal PPVs Judgment Day, Great American Bash, and Armageddon (No Mercy somehow broke the pattern and managed to be pretty darn good)
The opening match was ok. John Cena, Booker T, RVD, and Rene Dupree had a nice thing going for the US title at the time. It's amazing when I look back on this to see how far Rene Dupree has dropped though (is he even still with the WWE?) Fair match to start things off, but things would soon go south.
Luther Reigns vs. Charlie Haas was terrible. No build up and Luther was very green (I thought the guy had potential though) To make things worse, the match was made just seconds before it began. Just bad.
Next up was the CW title match as Chavo challenged Rey for the gold. Not a bad match, but at this point in time it seemed like Rey and Chavo were the only CWs in the division and I bleieve this was a 4th time they had wrestled each other that year. This was certainly one of the better matches on the card though, and its a solid *** bout.
We were then treated to another thrown together bore fest as newcomer Kenzo Suzuki defeated Billy Gunn. Both of these guys are gone from the WWE now, and it's not hard to see why. Kenzo was not all that good, and Billy was stale as a year old bag of potato chips. Kenzo won.
We then get a women's match between two of the worst to ever step foot in the ring, Sable and Torrie Wilson. Check out the rollup at the end and you'll see why these two should never step foot inside a wrestling ring ever again. Dreadful and definately the worst match of the night. Sable picked up the win and no one cared.
We were then given a match between Hardcore Holly, who like Gunn is/was very stale and Mordecai who was probably the worst gimmick of 2004. Yet another bad thrown together match with Mordecai picking up the win, and I beleive he was taken off TV just a week later.
Shockingly, the JBL/Eddie Guerrero Bullrope Match (the only match on this card I even cared about) was NOT the main event. It's a pity too because those guys tore the house down a month earlier and saved Judgment Day from being a complete waste. Well this Bullrope match was another very good match in their trilogy of matches. I honestly think the JBL/Eddie matches were the very best matches Smackdown had to offer in 2004 (and yes that includes the Angle/Eddie matches) JBL picked up the shocking victory here and began the best WWE title reign since the Attitude Era. Great match! RIP Eddie. We still miss you man!
The biggest head scratcher on this whole show had to be the main evetn of The Undertaker vs. The Dudley Boyz in a "Concrete Crypt Match" which has to be one of the worst gimmick matches of all time (right up there with WCW's Tower of Doom and Chamber of Horrors) The match was terrible, and I don't even blame Taker or The Dudleyz either. Everytime the match picked up and became interesting, Paul Heyman would get on the mike and threaten Taker and the action would stop. One of the worst PPV main events in the history of the WWE.
Honestly, the only reason to check this show out if the Bullrope match. JBL and Eddie put on one hell of a show (again), and to be fair the CW match was good and the US title match was decent, but even a Flair/Steamboat with them in their primes could have saved a card as disasterous as this."
Here's an idea...
G Smasher | 07/26/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Why don't you guys who are writing reviews for GAB 2005, actually go to the GAB 2005 website! Seriously, it's not that hard, so stop taking up all the space with your stupid predictions and results....
PS, Great American Bash 2004 sucked!!!!"
Great American Bash 2004
Mike Ward | Mundelein, IL United States | 06/30/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"1. United States Championship Cena(c) vs Booker T. vs Dupree vs RVD. Good match but would have been better placed later in the card. 7/10
2. Luther Reigns vs Charlie Haas. Should never have even been on this card. I give it 2 stars because Haas does upgrade this match. 2/10
3. Crusierweight Championship Mysterio(c) vs Chavo Guerrero. Good match and was probably the best match of the night. 8/10
4. Kenzo Suzuki vs Billy Gunn. BAD! Kenzo is a joke. 0/10
5. Torrie Wilson vs Sable. Terrible wrestling match. And included the worst cover i have ever seen in my life. 2/10
6. Mordecai vs Hardcore Holly. Stupid match and shouldn't have been on a pay per view card. 1/10
7. Texas Bullrope Match WWE Championship Eddie Guerrero(c) vs Bradshaw. Good match. Second best match of the night but did get confusing after the lights started to function inproperly.7.5/10
8. Dudley Boyz vs Undertaker live free or die match. Terrible. It was bad and shouldn't have been the main event. it was insulting that the WWE would have thought that fans would think that they would kill Paul Bearer with no one helping. 3/10
Don't buy unless you want a piece of garbage. 30.5/80"