WWE Cyber Sunday 2006 is a 3 star ppv
Carla Fryling | pa | 11/15/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
1. Kane vs. Umaga- I was hoping for a little bit better of a match from these two but I felt not much better. A lot vetter than there unforgiven match but could have done better. It was still decent but seemed more like a filler to me. A lot of big man action here but there was no dumb ending nice and clean so when all is said and done not a bad match. Winner Umaga. Match Rating 6.5/10.
2. Cryme Time vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Merdoch vs. Charlie Hass and Vicsera vs. the highlanders- This seemed like another filler to me. I would have rather had a nice one on one match for a number one contender but this turned out to be a mess. About a 6 minute match which was the right time. Cryme tie won which was good but not that good of a match. Winner Cryme Time. Match Rating 5/10.
3. Jeff Hardy vs. Carlito for the itc title- This match winner was predictable and I
Have gone with Shelton but carlito but on a strong match hear. This was the first good match of the night as there was a lot of nice high flying moves including a drop kick in mid air to Jeff Hardy. Slowed down a litlle bit but there were a lot of near falls where I accaulty thought that carlito was going to win the title. Nice match. Winner and still ITC champ Jeff Hardy. Match Rating 7.5/10.
4. DX vs. Edge and Randy Orton- This was a good match. Not as good as I thought it was going to be but still a very good match. I liked the fact the bishoff was the ref as it surprised me when he turned heel. It was for the most part just a soild wrestling match about 18 minutes but a lot of it was controlled by edge and orton. Things got interesting when edge speared bishoff. Bishoff ended screwing DX out of the match and michales went after him and edge came out of knowere with a sick chair shot to the head. Another sick shot by orton to the back of HHH and a beautiful RKO on the chair finsished it. Winners Edge and Randy Orton. Match rating 8/10.
5. Lita vs. Mickie James for the wwe womens title- This is not what you are expecting form these two. I think it had to do with the lumberjack rule. The match seemd to drag as I could not get into it at all but the next time I think these two could do a lot better. Winner and new wwe womens champ Lita. Match Rating 5/10.
6. The spirt swuad vs. Rick Flair and Rowdy Rowdy Piper for the world tag team titles- This match also did not seem to click for me. Maybe it was because we had two people who were almost 60 years old and a tag team champs that have been being squashed by every tag team there is. Overall it turned out to be better than I thought. I could see how it made sense in a way to put the titles on flair and piper but at the same itme I do not think it was the right call. Winners and new wwe tag team champs Rick Flair and Rowdy Rowdy Piper. Match Rating 6/10.
7. Booker T vs. John Cena vs. Bug Show for the WHT- This was a good main event. No were near last years main event tripke threat but still a unique idea. The only bad part about the match was it was very predictable who was going to win the match once they decided whose title was going to be on the line. It started oyut good with all three of the people in the match but the one part that I did not like about this match was it was mnore one on one action because big show fell on steel steps and he sold it like he was out for 10 minutes. Good near falls but K-Fed screws cena. Winner and still WHC King Booker. Match Rating 8/10.
Well that raps up another. I would give Cyber Sunday 2006 a grade of 46/70 which is a 66% barley making this a good ppv. I would say this had way to many fillers and I could not get into this match at all. If you can tell me if my review was helpful or not I would appreictae that. Thanks for your time.
3 and a half stars for a passable Raw ppv...
the one and only | I live south of Parts Unknown | 11/06/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"WWE Cyber Sunday seemed almost like a three hour Raw episode instead of a real ppv, which is a surprise since Raw had been on a role with their own ppvs. Although the main event was passible, and the DX/Orton,Edge match was good as well, most of the matches were short and not as exciting as they could have been. Fans of John Cena or DX will not like the ending of their matches, just to warn you....
Umaga vs. Kane:
The choices people could choose were Chris Benoit, The Sandman, and Kane. Kane won with nearly 50% and the match began. A lot of power moves as Kane repeatedly punched Umaga in a corner at one point. They fought outside the ring and Umaga at one point missed a clothesline and hit the ringpost. Back in the ring Kane was on the top turnbuckle and Armando Alejandro Estrada tried to distract Kane, but Kane pushed him off and jumped off the turnbuckle right into a Samoan Spike. Umaga hit a second Samoan Spike and got the pin. 7.5/10 [Okay match, but I thought Benoit would get the vote]
Texas Tornado Tag Team Match
Cryme Tyme vs. Lance Cade/Trevor Murdoch vs. Viscera/Charlie Hass vs. The Highlanders:
Wild brawl from start to finish, which is what the crowd wanted it seemed. Short match and there was way too much action to call. At one point Viscera/Hass had the upper hand, but then the highlanders came in. But at the last minute Cryme Tyme came in, took out Robbie of the highlanders, and got the pin. 5/10 [Way too short, only 5 minutes or so.]
Intercontinental Championship
Carlito vs. Jeff Hardy [Champion]:
Carlito won with over 60% of the vote. Pretty good match between these two, but at one point the crowd started chanting, "boring" for all the bear hugs Carlito kept doing. A lot of back and forth action, and at one point Carlito and did a series of moonsaults and covers, but Jeff kept kicking out. At the end of the match both were on the same top turnbuckle, but Carlito got knocked off and Jeff hit his Swanton Bomb for the win. 8/10 [Besides the boring chants this match was decent.]
DX vs. Edge and Randy Orton
Special guest referee - Eric Bischoff:
DX came to the ring and really took a long, long time to talk to the crowd. Eric won the voting and came down, then Edge/Orton with lita came down as well. The match was good since all four men are very solid wrestlers. At one point very early in the match HBK went for a sunset flip and pulled Edge's pants down so he mooned the crowd! As it was expected, Bischoff was in favor for Edge/Orton so he allowed of double teaming and when Shawn got crotched on the ropes Bischoff said he didn't see anything. Near the end of the match Edge accidentally speared Bischoff and a second ref had to come down to the ring, but Bischoff pulled him out of the ring during a count on Orton. Edge then blasted Michales with a chair, and Orton hit HHH with a steel chair in plain view of Bischoff, and got the win after Bischoff counted to three. 8.5/10 [At least they saved some credibility Edge and Orton had as a team. A very solid tag team match.]
Women's Championship Tournament Finals
Diva Lumberjack Match
Mickie James vs. Lita:
Both women threw each other out of the ring and women from ECW, Raw, and Smackdown threw them back in. There was actually a few botched spots between the two, which was a surprise since both are really good women's wrestlers. Anyway a few moves here and there, and at one point both fall out of the ring and a swarm of women attack them and throw them back in. Lita eventually got the win after Mickie was distracted by Victoria. 6.5/10 [Not a very good match, seemed rushed and way too short]
World Tag Team Championships
The Spirit Squad [Champions] vs. Ric Flair and Roddy Piper:
This was okay to see the old legends get one last run with some gold. I can't remember the last time Piper had a tag team championship over his shoulder. Short match again, and Flair made Mikey tap out to the Figure Four Leglock as Piper took Kenny out. 6/10 [finally the spirit squad lost their titles, they've had them since April!!!]
Champion of Champions Match
World Heavyweight Championship on the line
The Big Show [ECW] vs. Booker T [Smackdown] vs. John Cena [Raw]:
This match had no disqualifications or countouts since it was a triple threat match. At one point Big Show had the steel steps and tried to take Cena out, but Cena hit Show's knees and Show fell face first into his own steps! The fight continues and at one point Cena takes out Show and Booker and Sharmell runs in but gets an FU for her troubles. As the ref tends to Sharmell, Kevin Federline of all people runs in and hits Cena with the championship belt. Booker T recovers and pins Cena to retain his title. 8/10
WWE Cyber Sunday is not one of the best ppvs of the year. Most of the matches were less than 10 minutes and none were all that good. However I will still recommend this to rent and watch for the DX/Orton, Edge match, The main event, and even the IC title match. However it seems sad that the WWE creative team has to resort to using Kevin Federline to get ratings in.
Not The Best RAW Has To Offer
D.P. | California | 02/24/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Cyber Sunday was the third annual event where they had the fans vote on stipulations for matches throughout the night...however just like last year; WWE influenced the fans to vote how they wanted for the most part.
Kane vs. Umaga - The fans voted in Kane so he could get revenge on Umaga for kicking him off RAW. Kane has been the first person to give Umaga some real competition & their previous two matches have been the best on both men's careers for the better past of the past year. This was no exception and a good "big man vs. big man" bout.
Texas Tornado Match: Cryme Tyme vs. Highlanders vs. Cade & Murdock vs. Hass & Viscera - This was just a short brawl and seeing how Cryme Tyme was the only team in this match not to be buried by DX...you just knew who was winning this one.
Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy vs. Carlito - Well, the match itself was decent but you would expect more from these two as the crowd started to chant boring because of Carlito's bear hugs. It picked up at the end but again, it was slow at parts.
DX vs. Rated RKO with Eric Bischoff was the special referee - Besides Coach, you didn't really know who if Vince or Bischoff were going to be the referee until DX did a skit earlier in the night implying that they wanted Bischoff as the referee. The match was actually DX's 2nd best match since reuniting (Hell In The Cell was the first) as they didn't just beat up & dominate their opponents & Rated RKO left with some credibility unlike every other team DX faced. Bischoff didn't play a factor until the end but again, a good solid match.
WWE Womens Championship tournament finals/Diva Lumberjack match: Mickey James vs. Lita - Well, the match itself as good but this was just a way to get all the divas out on the show which took away from the match itself.
World Tag Team Champions Spirit Squad vs. Ric Flair & Roddy Piper - This match was short & sweet as it was meant to be the "feel good" moment of the night as the two legends won the tag team titles.
WWE Champion John Cena vs. World Champion King Booker vs. ECW Champion Big Show - Throughout the night, there were skits where Booker tried to cut deals with both Show & Cena (including pimpin' out Sharmell for a night) which had heavy influence in the fans voting for Booker's title to be on the line. The match itself again was good as most triple threat matches are. The ending had K-Fed appeared & cost Cena the match setting up their New Years Day match on RAW.
DVD extras include the Piper/Flair vs. Rated RKO match the next night on RAW where DX got their revenge on Eric Bischoff, the WWE legends celebrating with the divas, an interview with Umaga & Estrada, and a promo for the Cena/Federline match.
Again, this PPV was passable as I've seen worse (ala ECW's the next month) but in the end, I would get this as a rental & from there, make your own opinion.