Matthew W. from LAFAYETTE, IN Reviewed on 6/2/2008...
Awesome autobiography of Stone Cold Steve Austin, from his days in the WCW, ECW, and finally the WWF(E, whatever). Austin plays a badass, and often tortures helpless cameramen. All around review, its a great film of Stone Cold Steve Austin in his early and what I consider the best years of his wrestling carreer.
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Movie Reviews
And That's The Bottom Line..
Chad Mosher | Flint, MI | 05/14/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Contrary to what most people assume, this is not a brand-new release by the WWE. Rather, it's a 2003 re-release (on DVD) of a 1998 VHS tape of the same name. On this disc, hosted by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin himself, you'll find highlights of his first two years in the WWE. It includes his King of the Ring 1996 transformation to the bada$$ he is today. It also highlights some of his greatest disses, "a$$-whoopins", and matches before late 1997. Also, it makes note of some of his greatest feuds, with the likes of Brian Pillman, Vader and Bret "The Hitman" Hart. If you own this original release, I don't suggest you pick it up. It is absolutely no different than the original version. If you don't have it, however, you might as well get it. It's a very good buy for the Amazon price of $9.98."
Stone Cold
Chad Mosher | 08/22/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Theres one thing i saw wrong wiht this dvd and tht is, is tht when Stone Cold and Bret Heart took over most of the dvd. They could have put a little more about the Stone Cold and Mr.M. But other then tht there was a good deal of action and reivelrys. Im glad i got tht dvd!"
Cause stone cold said so!?
Chad Mosher | 11/01/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"this dvd is ok its an hour so how much can you really put in it?
its some of 1997 it has some of his submisson match with bret hart, stone cold beating up the brooklyn brawler,stone cold winning the rumble, stone cold breaking brian pillmans ankle, hunting down bret hart, yelling at police and all that but like no mcmahon stuff!
its not the best dvd but its still a very good dvd if you love stone cold"
Really Stone Cold
Chad Mosher | 09/16/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This video is not too bad. It features highlights from the period of Stone Cold Steve Austin's career spanning from his King of the Ring win in 1996 to the end of 1997; in other words, the time when he really was "Stone Cold". It's a passable way to spend some time, the only problem is, like everything Austin, it does get a bit predictable after a while."
Great Video on early history of Steve Austin
Chad Mosher | 02/28/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This video is great. With Austin narrating it it becomes hilarious. It shows many matches from King of the Ring to Wrestlmania 13 to May IYH: Cold Day In Hell. It also shows the infamous fued with Brian Pillman and how Austin and Shawn got the tag team belts. It also shows the 96 Royal Rumble. The thing that really pissed me off about the video though is that 20 minutes of it, no lie, is the ENTIRE Austin vs. Bret Hard I quit match at Wrestlemania 13. This pissed me off cuz i would much rather see highlights of a fight, not the whole damn thing, that was a good waste of a third of a tape. But if you would like to see the entire match than you will love it. Now i have both Austin videos and I have to say i like this one much better than Uncensored. Its much more nasty and Uncensored lacked a bit in many parts. But other than that problem i loved the video."