New challengers arise and former champions seek retribution at the Great American Bash. Former Bash events have seen some unique match types, including a Texas Bullrope Match, the first-ever Punjabi Prison match, and more.... more » This year?s event promises to hold new surprises.« less
"This was easily the weakest ppv effort from WWE thus far this year. It wasn't a horrible show, but it was not very good and I did not enjoy it. It was very overbooked and the last few matches felt rushed because they were pressed for time. While their was one outstanding match, I definitely do not recommend spending your money on this dvd release because one match isn't worth it. If you want to see it rent it, but don't go further than that. Matches are rated out of 5 stars (*****).
1. Scramble Match for the ECW Championship (by order of entry)
Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Finlay vs. Tommy Dreamer (c) vs. Mark Henry
Decent opener that had its moments. It really became a cluster by the end and there were a few botched spots, but overall this was entertaining. Crowd was really behind Christian but Dreamer retains. **1/4
2. Mask vs. Intercontinental Title Match
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Rey Mysterio
Excellent match, the best of their series thus far. Just too many great spots to mention including tons of tremendous near falls. I thoroughly recommend finding a way to see this match, it was one of the best WWE bouts of the year thus far. It's arguable that this has been the best fued in wrestling in 2009. ****1/4
3. No Disqualification Match
The Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler
Match was pretty bad but it was kept mercifully short. Khali sold most of the match and you needed to see it to believe it, just horrendous. Kane returned at the end and beat down Khali with a chair allowing Ziggler to get the win. Why this was on the card taking up time I have no idea. *
4. Triple Threat Match for the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship
The Colons (c) vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase vs. Edge & Chris Jericho
The match was originally booked as Priceless vs. The Colons but Teddy Long came out before the match started and added Edge and Jericho (no complaints here). Still, this was pretty much the match that was originally scheduled because Edge and Jericho were literally in the ring for less than 10 seconds combined. That being said, there was no heat for anything that the Colons or Priceless did, but it was a well worked match. Edge hits a distracted Carlito with a spear to win the titles for himself and Jericho. This has an upside because Edge and Jericho are great and will probably make a really fun team, and they now have the option of fueding with all 3 brands as the Unified Champs. **
5. WWE Women's Championship Match
Melina (c) vs. Michelle McCool
Not bad for a women's match, but nothing to write home about either. Michelle gets the relatively clean win with the Styles Cla...excuse me, the faithbreaker. This didn't need to be on the card. *3/4
6. World Heavyweight Championship Match
CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy
Dissapointing Match. I was expecting a really great match with these two but it was merely above average. It started slow and it felt as though they were building to something good, and then the match ended. Hardy got the pin but Punk's foot was under the rope so it was restarted, and then while "blinded" from an elbow, Punk kicked the ref for the DQ. Creative finish that helps build Punk as a heel, and allows for the fued to continue. Match itself was a letdown, though. **3/4
7. John Cena vs. The Miz
This just angered me. This was nothing more than a glorified 5 minute squash match. The story of the match, I kid you not, was that Miz was not in Cena's league. Cena OUTWRESTLED Miz at every turn, with some of the worst technical wrestling I've seen in quite some time. And they wonder why their young talent doesn't get over. Miz taps to the stf with both hands like a 12 year old girl, and in the process was buried about 20,000 leagues under the sea. I hope this isn't the end for him because he has great potential, but this was really distressing to watch. *1/2
8. Three Stages of Hell Match for the WWE Championship
First Fall: Standard Match
Second Fall: Falls Count Anywhere Match
Third Fall (if necessary): Stretcher Match
This was pretty much a Stretcher Match, because they were pressed for time and got the first two falls out of the way in about 5 minutes. There were some interesting spots and I thought they used the stretcher well, but the match wasn't all that interesting. If you're looking for a really brutal match, you won't find it here. This fued is impossibly stale and it gets harder and harder to watch these two perform, despite the fact that they were working hard. The match was pretty good but no where near as good as they matches they had for free on television. Orton retains with help from the rest of Legacy. Yee Haw. **3/4
One fantastic match does not make a good ppv. Granted, I have seen far, far worse shows than this, but this wasn't even up to par with the rest of the ppvs WWE has given us this year, most of which have been very good. Rent this for the IC title match, but skip the rest, it'll be forgotten by everyone who saw it in less than a week."
3 Stages of Hell Returns
Scotty 2 Hotty 24 | Back Woods, GEORGIA | 08/02/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer Vs. Christian Vs. Jack Swagger Vs. Finlay Vs. Mark Henry (Championship Scramble Match) - This was a decent opening bout but more importantly, a heavy step down to the last ECW Championship Scramble match. The match was nothing past the fans being behind Christian all the way, Jack Swagger continuing to be dominate in his "rookie" year, and Tommy Dreamer retaining his title in the end. Decent opener but nothing to write home about. 3/5
Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho Vs. Rey Mysterio (Mask Vs. Title Match) - Amazing Intercontinental Championship bout between these two. With each individual prized possessions (Mysterio's mask & Jericho's title) up for grabs in this match, you knew these two were going to up their game and put everything on the line here. This is a great back and forth match with excellent wrestling and a strong aerial display. Like they previously done at Judgment Day and Extreme Rules, these two delivered a classic. 5/5
Dolph Ziggler Vs. Great Khali (No Disqualification) - This was nothing more past making Dolph Ziggler the new number 1 contender for the Intercontinental Title and the return of Kane. 1/5
WWE Unified Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo Vs. Legacy Vs. Edge & Chris Jericho - The duo of Edge and Chris Jericho being thrown into the mix came about after a few backstage segments involving Teddy Long interacting with Edge, Jericho, and Mr. McMahon earlier in the night. Even though the match was advertised as a Triple Threat match, Jericho and Edge was in the ring for no more than 10 seconds as they left Legacy to battle Primo & Carlito all of the match until the end. In the end, a decent tag team match but a horrible triple threat bout. 3/5
WWE Women's Champion Melina Vs. Michelle McCool - This match is a shocker IMO. These two actually went out there and put on a pretty good divas match for the Women's Title. Alicia Fox was in the corner of Michelle's but nothing is heard from her in the match. Overall, an entertaining bout between Michelle and Melina with their rematch at Night of Champions a month later being just as good. 3.25/5
World Champion C.M. Punk Vs. Jeff Hardy - Not ever competing in a match before that I know of, CM Punk and Jeff Hardy blended in well together that showed CM Punk still making that full "heel" turn around. The match went back and forth with a nice series of reversals and counters with Punk able to ground Hardy to stop him from using his aerial offense. They told a good inring story that displayed Punk not able to put Hardy down which forced Punk to use dirty tactics to keep his title in the end. Some might be disappointed with the end but IMO, it was a good way for Punk to make that transition into a "heel" while leaving room for this feud to continue. In my book, this was a good and entertaining match. 3.5/5
John Cena Vs. The Miz - I guess this was a way WWE tried to get fans to cheer for Cena or it was a way to elevate the Miz's status. Either way you want to look at it, the match flat out sucked! Cena "carried" the Miz the whole time while using "wrestling holds" to do so. In the end, Cena hits a mega F-U then proceeded to lock in the STF-U that made the Miz tap out like a little girl for the win. This is a match that should be erased from all wrestling records! 0/5
WWE Champion Randy Orton Vs. Triple H (3 Stages Of Hell Match: Straight Wrestling, Falls Count Anywhere, Stretcher Match) - This was the conclusion of the McMahon/Triple H and Orton feud, so this 2 out of 3 falls bout was made out to be this hellicious and brutal confrontation but the bottom line is after the number of times HHH and Orton have competed against each other over the years, this bout came off stale and boring. And with the match being made just a week in advance, this match recieved no hype at all. The first two falls ended in a matter of minutes which forced the match to go to the 3rd fall very quickly. The two utilized the stretcher very stragetically and offensively that saw the match coming close to being over a few times. Legacy interferred and helped Orton to retain his title in the end. So overall, the Stretcher Match came off as an entertaining bout but the whole 3 Stages Of Hell Match came off rather stale and disappointing. Their Last Man Standing Match that occurred on free TV was better than this. 3/5
Over the years, The Bash has not been a very good event for the WWE which is probably why the Pay Per View is no longer with us. This is one that I do not recommend. You can catch the Mysterio/Jericho bout on the "Greatest PPV Matches 2009-2010" DVD because this event is not worth purchasing just for one match."
Triple H vs. Randy Orton...For The 13th Time
D.P. | California | 08/10/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Scramble Match: ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian vs. Finlay vs. Mark Henry vs. Jack Swagger - This was just alright match but nothing about it really stood out to me past Swagger continuing to deliver impressive performances for his "rookie" year in WWE. This picked up towards the end but was easily the weakest ECW Championship match in almost a year & a heavy stepdown from the ECW Scramble match last year.
Mask vs. Title: Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio - The feud of the year (IMO) continues here as they used the motto "it it ain't broke, don't fix it" as they used the same formula that's worked before & even had some counters to moves in their previous matches (watch out for that Codebreaker in mid-air). Just like what this feud was based on, the mask did come into play at one point but it was another creative finish here that again delivered the match of the night.
And as a personal sidenote, I'm glad to see after this 3 PPV match series (4 matches total if you include their final match on SmackDown around a week later) elevate the Intercontinental Championship back to what it's suppost to be since the beginning...the championship that revolves around the "hardest workers" in the company.
No Disqualification Match: Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler - This was the obivious dud of the night that was only here for two setup Dolph as the next challenger for the Intercontinental Championship and the return of Kane but past that, you can easily skip this one.
Unified Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo vs. Legacy vs. Edge & Chris Jericho - If anyone wants to know how Edge & Jericho got added to the match, pay attention to the backstage skits with Teddy Long all night. However, don't let the title fool you as this was really the Colons vs. Legacy featuring Edge & Jericho as this was a better match than expected as both teams did have a well worked match & also told a great story in how they kept Edge & Jericho out of the match by avoiding them the whole time to the point where the blind tags in & out between them & Legacy/Colons were almost comedic and their facial expressions for being shutout of the match were almost priceless (no pun intended). At the most, Edge & Jericho were probably in the ring for less than a minute combined (maybe even less than 30 seconds) but it was actually a good match if you can value the story being told here.
Womens Champion Melina vs. Michelle McCool - This is one of those matches that it's either good or bad depending on what your looking at because this was below the level that I expect from Melina but one of the better McCool matches that I've seen with McCool targeting Melina's leg throughout the match. This is watchable & not bad but nothing really memorable either past the fact that McCool became the first to hold the Divas & Womens Championship using a move that I've swear I've seen some other guy use on a Thursday night.
World Champion C.M. Punk vs. Jeff Hardy - For two guys who I can't recall ever facing each other before (the Extreme Rules PPV doesn't count), they had a good match as it went back & both match here as both men vibed well against each other here. I know some are disappointed with the ending but it as a good story told based off the story told throughout the match that Hardy proved he could beat Punk while Punk just couldn't put Hardy down & out while still building to his full "heel" turn. A good match overall.
John Cena vs. The Miz - Flashback to 1998 when Chris Jericho called out Goldberg for months only for it to end with Goldberg kicking the crap out of Jericho very quickly in one forgettable segment & that's it...then fast foward to 2005 when Christian called out John Cena for months only for them to finally have a match where Cena beat him & that's let's jump to today where it was complete "deja vu" as Cena out-classed, out-wrestled (with some "technical" wrestling if you want to call it that), and quite frankly just completely dominated Miz to the point where when Miz was tapping out, he screaming & acting like he was a 5 year old getting spanked on the butt by his parents. This was either a comedic squash or a huge burial...depending on how you choose to look at it.
3 Stages Of Hell Match (Regular, Falls Count Anywhere, Stretcher): WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. Triple H - This match was just like the Tag Team Title match earler in that you don't let the match "stipulation" fool you as this was really just a stretcher match as the first two falls went by really quick & could have been left out because that ended up hurting this match more than helping in the end. This was your typical Triple H/Orton brawl as it went in the ring, through the crowd, and made it's way onto the stage with a few nice spots with the stretcher with a nice story of Orton focusing on Triple H's bad leg throughout the match. Overall, just like how their WrestleMania match wasn't a bad match but it wasn't at the level you would & should expect for a WrestleMania main event...this was a good stretcher match but a horrible 2 Out Of 3 falls/3 Stages Of Hell match which was the match advertised.
The only DVD extra here is Tony Atlas trying to cheer up Mark Henry backstage in what I believe is Tony Atlas' last appearence due to Mark Henry going to RAW without him right afterwards. In the end, this was really just an average but watchable PPV so this is one where you should get it as a rental & make your call because there are some things on here that some people will like that others won't."
WWE The Bash 2009
J-Man | 08/08/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The bash is really a dissapointing ppv. Nothing really stood out except the jericho/mysterio match. Thanks for reading!
ECW Championship Scramble Match
Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Mark Henry vs. Finlay
This was o.k., but if you want to see a good scramble match, watch the unforgiven 2008 ecw scramble. The match started out with christian and swagger. Some nice wrestling throughout by swagger and the crowd was really rooting on christian. Towards the end of the match, dreamer got the final pin. The match really became a cluster after that. Average scramble, but nowhere near the caliber of the 2008 ecw scramble. Match Rating:3.5/5
Intercontinental Championship Vs. Mask
Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio
Match of the night without question. This is the only reason I gave the ppv a 3. So far these two have put on some of the best matches against each other this year and this one is my personal favorite. So many breathtaking spots, including mysterio's rope to rope springboard on jericho and Y2J giving rey a codebreaker in mid-air. Great wrestling here and tons of exciting counters. Clever moment towards the end where jericho pulled of rey's mask, but mysterio had another one on. In the end, mysterio wins back the ic title and keeps the mask. Match Rating:5/5
No Disqualification Match
Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler
This match really shouldn't have been on the ppv. This fued was really pointless, so it is pretty stupid to put this on here. The match was terrible and khali dominated the whole thing. Only good moment in this one is where kane returns and hits khali with a chair for ziggler to pick up the win. Match Rating:1.5/5
Triple Threat Match For The Unified Tag Team Championships
Carlito and Primo vs. Edge and Chris Jericho vs. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase
Before the match even started, teddy long came out and annouced that edge and jericho would be added to this match. I thought that would make this match really good, but it turns out it didn't because edge and jericho were barely in the match. For almost this whole thing it was legacy vs. the colons. At the end of this match, edge tagged himself in and gave a spear out of nowhere to carlito and won the tag team titles for jericho and him. Match Rating:2.75/5
NOTE:Jericho and Big Show are now unified tag team champions.
WWE Women's Championship
Melina vs. Michelle McCool
Honestly, I didn't even care about this match. This wasn't anything special at all and nothing really even stood out in this match. This was o.k. at best,but both melina and mccool can do better. Match Rating:1.5/5
World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy
This was really kind of a letdown. The match had a slow start, but it picked up some faster pace as it went on. Some nice offense in this match by hardy and punk from time to time. Later in the matchup, hardy got the swanton on punk and the ref counted the 3, but then saw that punk's foot was under the rope. Becuase of that, the match went on. Kind of a cheap ending when punk got hit in the eye by hardy and then (accidentilly)? kicked the ref. The end was played out well though. If you want to see a better hardy/punk match, look to night of champions '09. This was good, but still a dissapointment in my eyes. Match Rating:3.5/5
John Cena vs. The Miz
This is nothing but a 5 minute squash match. Cena dominated the miz in this one, with the miz getting almost no offense. The match was really pointless, because the miz isn't quite on the level that cena is. The miz tapped out like a little kid to cena's stf. There match the next night on raw is better and both men got in the same amount of offense. This match didn't belong on the ppv. Match Rating:1.25/5
3 Stages Of Hell Match For The WWE Championship
1st Fall-Regular Match
2nd Fall-Falls Count Anywhere
3rd Fall-Stretcher Match
Randy Orton vs. Triple H
This match was stale, due to how many times the have faced. The first two falls were only a couple of miutes each. This was pretty much just a stretcher match. The stretcher match had a few good spots, but it still wasn't that brutal. The match had some wild moments like a pedigree to orton on the stage by triple h and orton giving hhh a ddt of the stretcher. The end involved legacy, where they caused just enough of a distraction on triple h so orton could put him on the stretcher. Orton retained the title, but triple h did get some revenge on orton by hitting him with the sledgehammer after the match. Match Rating:3.5/5
In the end, the bash was a big dissapointment. I only recommend this for a rent because of the great ic title match."
It was OK
Corey Adams | Dickson, Tennessee | 08/04/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"1. ECW Championship Scramble Match: Tommy Dreamer(c) vs Christian vs Jack Swagger vs Mark Henry vs Finlay
All in all, a good match. Lots of action and very exciting! Rating: 4/5
2. Intercontinental Championship Match: Chris Jericho(c) vs Rey Mysterio (Mask vs Title)
These two always have a good match and this is really good. In the end, Jericho tried to rip the mask off, but Rey had another mask under it and hit the 619. Rating: 5/5 MATCH OF THE NIGHT!
3. Dolph Ziggler vs The Great Khali
I don't even know why this was on the PPV, worthless match
Rating: 1/5
4. Women's Championship Match: Melina(c) vs Michelle McCool
Just a women's match, nothing special. McCool becomes the first woman to win the Divas Championship and the Womens Championship. Rating: 2.5/5
5. Unified Tag Team Championships: Carlito and Primo(c) vs Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase vs Chris Jericho and Edge
Very surprising! Teddy Long put Jericho and Edge in at he last minute and become the new champions.
Rating: 3/5
6. World Heavyweight Championship Match: CM Punk(c) vs Jeff Hardy
It could've been great, but it wasn't. Punk faked an eye injury and kicked the ref to screw Jeff of winning the title. It was just stupid when the ref said Punk's leg was " Out of Bounds" Rating: 3/5 and I'm being nice
7. John Cena vs The Miz
Why would you have this match on a PPV? It lasted not even 10 minutes. It was kinda funny, but that's it.
Rating: 2/5
8. Three Stages of Hell Match for the WWE Championship: Randy Orton(c) vs Triple H
I was really looking forward to this match but it was not great. Triple H had the win but stupid Legacy had to interrupt. Could have been great though. Rating: 3/5
Not a great PPV at all. It's pretty bad when the Intercontinental Championship Match is the best one, hopefully Summerslam will be awesome."