Backlash 2003, Worst WWE PPV in 8 years
John Khinda | New York, NY United States | 06/28/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Here are the themes changed from the original in the DVD:
-Dudley Boyz
-Rob Van Dam
-Ric Flair
-Booker TJonathan Coachman aka "The Coach" and Jerry "The King" Lawler do the RAW commentary, while Michael Cole and Tazz cover SmackDown!Ok these are my feelings and not neccessarily the feelings of everyone in the world. Backlash 2003 is an extended RAW or SmackDown TV event without the breaks of commercials that you sit watching, but can't wait for it to end. The messed up theme ruins it to a point too. why can't WWE shell out the extra bucks to keep the DVDS straight!? There is no break out match.Everything from Jazz's way of winning the Women's Title to Rock's pre-match promo and everything inbetween, before, after & all-around, [was bad]!The new Goldberg music is horrible. Just classic WWE and McMahon trying to put his stamp on everything! The change was not needed. The Rock vs. Goldberg actually wasn't that bad. The theme by "Cold" was [bad]!Best thing is "The Rock after Backlash" DVD Extra. After Backlash went off the air, you see Rock selling the beating Rock took from Goldberg. He puts over Goldberg and the spear's huge. It takes him forever to get to his feet and even o his feet he's still holding his abdomin.The pay-per-view was very disappointing. Has to be the worst Backlash to date. The 6 Man Tag was leading nowhere. It seemed to have no point. The character's didn't seem in to it. Just out there to do there cause they were supposed to be. Like a lot of the rest of the matches. Brock vs. Cena was even very disapponting. It reminded me of some of the worst pay-per-views of the wrestle... 1995 era, a bad year for the WWF.WrestleMania XIX was so awesome. No Way Out was so good too. It had the after RAW return of Stone Cold Steve Austin. And Royal Rumble was good as well. Except TripleH/Steiner. And now Backlash was real ...Bad. Terrible..
While watching it, all I could think of was that I wanted it to end. I hate that the themes are changed too. Don't know what that Booker T ... was.The DVD is a waste of money. I should return or exchange it, but I need to get the box set I want.None of the matches had any real build-up, except the Rock vs. Goldberg, which the WWE was obviously building up as the big-time match-up for the card. And Goldberg was built up wrong for it. Rock didn't do even close as good a job building up Goldberg than as he did The Hurricane. He should of been portrayed more as the heel to the crowd than he was. Bottom Line: Don't waste your money on this ... Put you money to better use like the "From The Vault: Shawn Michaels" DVD."
BACKLASH 2003 was good but not the best
Mathew Brentson | SA, AUSTRALIA | 04/14/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Team Angle vs Los Guerros-Exellent opener for Backlash 2003. These are 2 great tag teams and when you put them together there is always explosions.Los Guerros were on top of team angle for most of the match but Team Angle retain the tag team gold by cheating. 8/10Rikishi vs Sean O,Haire-Was not a very good match.The match was too short and didn't have much action until Rikishi smashed the coconut on Pipers head.Piper got what he deserved.Somehow O,Haire beat the 400 pounder with pipers destraction. 6/10Trish vs Jazz-How many times do they want to show this match?This was probably one of their best encounters but I am still sick of seing this match up.Ending was awful when Theodore Long through his shoe at Trish and Jazz took advantage to win the match. 5/10Rey Mysterio vs Show-The smallest guy on the roster vs the biggest guy on the roster.There was never a way Mysterio could have won even after 3 straight 619's.Ending was terrifying with Big Show catching Mysterio and chokeslamming him from 7 feet high.Okay match better than I expected. 6/10Kane/RVD vs Dudleys-Great tag team contest.I was impressed RVD and Kane were still able to win after Cheif Morley was always on the Dudleys side.Had some high flying moves from RVD and was very entertaining to watch Cheif Morleys decions. 8/10Triple H,Flair,Y2J VS Kevin Nash,HBK and Booker T-Brilliant match!!!.Was 20 monutes long and had loads of personal match ups between all six wrestlers.The match was bloody and after it had finished every one was brused and battered.Triple H got the victory for his team by cheating,using the sledgehammer on Kevin Nash. 9.5/10Lesnar vs John Cena-Great match.Cena was on top for the whole match making Lesnar bleed but Lesnars will to keep the title guided him to victory with the F5.Cena used some great moves and was entertaining and Lesnar played his part well aswell.8/10The Rock vs Goldberg-Slow paced for most of the match.Neither man was going for the other.Goldberg wins his 1st match in the WWE after a spear and a jackhammer.okay match for the second half of it.Rock should have won though. 7/10Back lash 2003 was okay.It had some good matches but also had some terrible ones.I think last years Backlash was better.If your a true wrestling fan buy this DVD for the good matches on it. overall rating-57.5/80Did you find this review helpful?"
It was okay
the one and only | I live south of Parts Unknown | 08/09/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Backlash was a slight dissapointment following Wrestlmania X1X. allthough it had the dream match involving the rock and goldberg, and both of the tag team matches, this ppv was a complete waste of money.
The match between the guerroes and team angle was fast paced and a good opener besides the cheap win by team angle at the end. However the guerroes get their revenge by stealing the tag titles. 9/10
The match between Big show and rey mysterio. you knew who would win when you saw this on the card. For those of you who thought rey mysterio would win are wishing you didn't take that bet. Shocking ending when rey was on the stretcher. 7/10
Rikishi vs. Sean o' Haire was a joke, it lasted less than 10 minutes. Sean o' Haire has left the wwe {Thank God} and Rikishi is gone too {he dissapeared after wrestlmania 20} 5/10 {this match deserved less, but I'm a nice guy}
John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar sucked too. It was too long and too boring. Lesnar was the biggest loser I ever saw and didnt even last two years in the wwe. John Cena was as annoying as ever, but at least he wasn't screaming yo, yo, yo, yo, yo back then. Lesnar wins. 7/10
The match between the dudleys and Rvd and kane was a good match. I wish kane and Rvd would get back together,they were a good tag team in my opinion. {If you don't like it you can stick it.}Lots of high flying moves and the excitement was overwhelming. 8/10
Trish vs Jazz was bad, especially with theodore long next to the ring. I couldn't believe the ending and what caused it. 6/10
Triple H,Ric Flair,Chris Jericho vs. HBK,Booker T,and Kevin Nash
Now if only this was made a table elimination match, oh well {sigh} This was still a pretty good match. Allthough it was kinda long. Just watch it everyonce in a while. 8/10
The main event was goldberg vs. the rock and even though the crowd was in the rocks corner most of the time Goldberg whips the rock's Candya** throughout the entire match. goldberg is one of my favorite wrestlers and I am still looking forward to him returning. 10/10
Backlash really wasn't that bad
the one and only | 07/11/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Everyone says this ppv was absolutely awful, but I thought it was pretty good. Most of the matches were entertaining and the three main events were fresh rivalries. The undercard features the WWE Tag-Team titles on the line with Team Angle and Los Guerreros(a decent opener, but nothing we haven't seen before), Rikishi going one on one with Sean O'Haire w/Roddy Piper(definitely the worst match of the show and did not belong on ppv), a World Tag-Team title match between the champs Kane and Rob Van Dam and the Dudleyz(Chief Morley as the guest referee added a lot to this match which was one of the night's best), a Women's title match with Trish defending against Jazz(a usual women's match), and Big Show against Rey Mysterio(what happens after the match is better than the match itself). The three main events were all pretty good, the best being the WWE Title match between Brock Lesnar and John Cena. Cena delivers in his first big time match and Lesnar puts on one hell of a performance as well. The six-man tag-team match was my personal favorite of the night. Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels and Booker T team up to battle Triple H, Ric Flair and Chris Jericho. Everyone has good ringtime in this match, and it turns out to be a pretty good match. Triple H adds fuel to the fire in his rivalry with Nash at the end of the battle. The last main event was a supposed dream match between The Rock and Goldberg. Of the three main events this was the worst, and I do not think it should have gone on last. There are some pretty entertaining moments from the Rock in this match though. Didn't feel like a ppv main event
however. The six-man should have been for the World Heavyweight title and gone on last. The extras on this DVD aren't bad. The Rock after Backlash is the best. I think it is worth the money to buy, but it depends on your taste in wrestling."