Mr. Les Gabor | Brisbane QLD Australia | 12/17/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I thought this was a good a good PPV with a few surprises such as HHH/Hardy Edge/Taker/Batista RKO/Y2J.There are also fun matches exciting matches and boring matches so I hope you enjoy reading my review.
US Championship match:
MVP vs Rey Mysterio
This was a good opener with a nice pace and good high flying moves from Rey. This is a very good opener
Winner by DQ Rey Mysterio Rating 8
CM Punk and Kane vs Big Daddy V and Kane
This match surprised me because I thought this was going to be a boring 5 minute. I was wrong this turned to be a solid and entertaining match bewtween these four. Big daddy v and henry win after a splash on CM punk jumping of the turn buckle.
Winners Big Daddy V and Mark Henry Rating 7
Shawn Michaels VS Mr kennedy
This was a awsome match with kennedy starting strong then HBK coming back untill kennedy hits his hand on the post outside the ring and hurts it and as he puches HBK again it starts to hurt again then out of nowhere HBK kicks kennedy and gets the pin.
Winner HBK Rating 9
Triple h VS Jeff Hardy
This was another good match with both HHH and Hardy getting good ovations. This match turned into a brawl when HHH slaps Jeff anf whakes up hardy. This match with HHH gong for a pedigree it is reversed by hardy into a roll up fo the win
Winner Jeff Hardy Rating 9
Finly Vs The Great Khali
This is a ok match better than I expected this ends when Hornswoggle gives Finly a sheliy for the win
Winner Finly Rating 6
WWE Championship Match:
Randy Orton VS Chris Jericho
This is Y2J first PPV match back in a long time and this was a good match with jericho doing some of his old moves like the lionsalt. The crowd really get into this when Y2J has RKO in the Walls Of Jericho. When out of nowhere JBL comes out and kicks Jericho so Jericho ends up winning by DQ. After the match Randy RKOs Y2J.
Winner by DQ Y2J Rating 8
Womens Championship Match:
Beth Pheonix VS Mickie James
This is a boring match like always So this just short and simple.
winner Beth Phenoix Rating 2
World Heavy Weight Chamionship Triple Threat Match:
Batista VS Edge Vs Undertaker
This is a good main event Edge lets batista and taker kick off the match. In the midle of the match edge replaces himselve under the ring with two other edges. Finally as taker hits the tomstone on batista edge comes under the ring and hits taker with a chair twice and covers batista for the win. This is agood match it was confusing to see 3 edges but I thought the imposters looked like the majour brother.
Winner Edge Rating 9
Overall this is a good PPV and I recommend this to everyone because this is worth your money with matches like HHH/Hardy HBK/Kennedy Taker/Batista/Edge Y2J/Oton and Rey/MVP I hope my review was good for you."
Armageddon gets Rated R
J-Man | 10/28/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This was one of the better ppvs of 2007 and it showed. The card was pulled off and the booking was well done, which included the rise of the rated r superstar edge and the debut of the edgeheads, hawkins and ryder. Thanks for reading!
United States Championship
MVP vs. Rey Mysterio
This was one of my favorite matches of the night. Lots of highflying wrestling in this one and some good moves. Some false finishes and near falls make this one pretty exciting. One cool moment in this match is where rey pulled off a super hurricarana. While this match had lots of potenital, the ending ruined it where mvp got counted out because he couldn't beat rey. Once again, while a good opening bout, the ending just wasn't for me. Match Rating:4/5
CM Punk and Kane vs. Mark Henry and Big Daddy V
Overall, i wasn't really looking forward to this matchup, but this actually wasn't half bad. Big daddy v started out just pounding and dominating punk. Kane got the team back into the match for a while, but eventually v and henry picked up the victory. Match Rating:3/5
Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy
Match of the night right here. A lot of physicality and intense wrestling in this one. They both did a really nice job selling and focusing on their injures as hbk stomped and pounded on kennedy's hand and kennedy working on the bad back of hbk. Some good grapple moves and takedowns in this one as well. Kennedy used submissions to wear down michaels and every chance hbk could get, he pulled kennady's hand back and used some classic wrestling moves. A couple of good physical encounters on the outside and in the end, hbk got a sweet chin music from out of nowhere on kennedy. Match Rating:5/5
#1 Contenders Match for a WWE Championship shot at the Royal Rumble
Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy
These two had better matches in '08 like no mercy, but this left an impression for those future matches. Triple h was pushing and bullying around hardy in the opening moments, but hardy finnaly took advantage and gained some momentum after a hhh slap. Lots of back and forth action and some exciting, nice offense. These two tried everything to beat each other and when we all least expect it, hardy wins with a rollup out of the blue. Triple h was left shocked in the ring as hardy started climbing the ladder to main event success. Match Rating:4.5/5
Finlay vs. Great Khali
Finlay started his face run right about here. Overall, this was nothing special. Some comedy highlights with hornswaggle's interference on khali which led to the fighting irishman finlay defeating the giant khail. Match Rating:2.5/5
WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho
This was the second coming of Y2J as he showed no ring rust in his first ppv match since summerslam 2005. Jericho and orton brought some good offense to the table as we see classic jericho, pulling of the walls of jericho and connecting with the lionsault. The ending was really suprising, when jbl interfered and costed jericho the match while he had the walls locked in on the legend killer. Overall the match was good, the ending was suprising, but it left me wanting more. Match Rating:4/5
Women's Championship
Beth Phoenix vs. Mickie James
Before the match, jillian came in and unfortunetly started to sing. Besides that, the match was decent as mickie fought hard against beth, but fell short. Match Rating:2.75/5
Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Batista vs. Edge vs. Undertaker
I really enjoyed the taker/batista fued of '07 and with edge added to the mix, the rivalry got more interesting. Numerous highlights of this match include, edge cowering from taker and batista in the opening moments, undertaker and batista tearing each other apart to get to the rated r superstar, edge taking advantage off of every move, and the debut of hawkins and ryder to provide the distraction. In the end, undertaker tombstoned batista and edge capitalized off of it by spearing taker and pinning batista to take home the world title once more. The triple threat match proved that the rated r superstar was the true ultimate oppertunist. Match Rating:4/5
Overall, i recommend this dvd because it is one of the better ppvs from 2007. A spectacular hbk/mr. kennady match, a physical hhh/hardy match and two good world title matches."
The End Is Near, The End Is Hear
K. Nelson | 12/16/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Most devastating wars are fought over championship gold.
WWE United States Championship match
Rey Misterio vs MVP
They star off the show very good. Rey does his high flying moves thru out match while MVP does some technical moves. They keep the crowd into the match until the end when MVP gets counted out but it was still a good match. 8/10
Kane & CM Punk vs Mark Henry & Big Daddy V
I thought this match was going to suck but hey I was wrong. They kept it at a very nice pace that never got boring. I really liked the ending to the match when CM Punk gets squashed. 7/10
Mr. Kennedy vs Shawn Micheals
Kennedy brought some anger into the match making this match even better. Shawn worked on Kennedys hand and it played thru the entire match. There was a nice spot when Kennedy pushed Shawn into the ring post while onto the apron. Very Good match. 8.5/10
Jeff Hardy vs Triple H
Crowd cant decide who to cheer for. They just start out pretty much brawling . Triple H gives Hardy the loudest slap ever to wake him up and fight. The both of them go back and forth. H tries to go for the pedigree but he countered and won. Then Hardy celebrates. Nice Match 8/10
Finlay vs The Great Khali
By was I surprised about this match. Thought it was slow at one point this was preety okay. It never got boring. Khali whips out some pretty loud chops to Finlay. Hornswaggle got in hear but got thrown out by Khali. Finlay wins by a shot to the head with his trusty shillelagh. 6.5/10
WWE Championship Match
Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton
Jericho looked very average in this match. The crowd was pretty silent on and off. At some points it really looked like Chris Jericho was going to win the match. They both put on a good technical match that was pretty good until the end when JBL comes in and kicks Jericho in the head. After the match Orton RKOd Jericho. 7.5/10
WWE Women Championship Match
Beth Phenoix vs Mickie James
This was pretty average and short. The way I look at the match, it was a squash. 5/10
Triple Threat Match
World Heavyweight Championship Match
Batista vs Edge vs The Undertaker
I really didn't know who would win this match and got me going. For some reason Batista didn't want Undertaker to touch Edge. They kept it pretty good but got good towards the end, and it also got confusing. Batista and Undertaker brawled until Edge came in and picked up what was left over. 7.5/10
Overall this was a excellent ppv. They also did a funny promo about the royal rumble.