Reviewed on 4/24/2020...
4/5 Rating - Wall Street - A classic with Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas. A must for Wall Street fans!
1/5 Rating - Wall Street, Money Never Sleeps - A real dud that should be avoid even if you loved the first Wall Street.
Gwyn M. (Luvs2read2) from BANNING, CA
Reviewed on 1/21/2011...
This package contains two DVDs: the original "Wall Street" plus the sequel *Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps*. Both are good reflections of how markets and money can be manipulated by unscrupulous insiders and their minions, which, in turn, can have dire effects on the nation's economy. Michael Douglas is the consumate actor in both movies, and each has its own great supporting cast, so both guarantee several hours of entertaining and thought provoking drama.