What is THE VOICE? — Humanity is about to make a quantum leap! — ?Discover how science is demonstrating the power of the mind. — ?Quantum physics, science and spirituality are merging into The Unified Field, a conscious field... more » that could explain the experience of the enlightenment of the ages providing scientific proof of Oneness!
?Has quantum physics discovered a unified field called "Singularity?
?Is consciousness encoding our atoms and DNA with a code that causes suffering, war, cellular aging, disease and death?
?Can the code be broken so that we can attain liberation? What is the code breaker?
?Can the VOICE of our minds affect and co-create our reality?
?Can science prove that our inner VOICE can transmit and receive verifiable information?
?Can THE VOICE of consciousness demonstrate authority over matter?
?Can consciousness be stored in atoms?
?Can THE VOICE of the collective MIND alter the course of a hurricane and the future of humanity?
?Can science and spirituality prove an intelligent universe for the first time in history, proving the universe was self-aware at the time of the Big Bang?
What is the enlightenment of the saints of all religions?
What will humanity gain when it can access the truth stored in the atom?
The VOICE explores mystical experiences of ordinary and extraordinary people of all religions and non-religions, scientific revolutions and breakthroughs! See what science is discovering about the human aura? New technology takes you there! See what researchers are discovering about the auras of subatomic particles, atoms, DNA, plants, animals, humans to the aura of the earth and to the aura of the cosmic beyond!« less
"The Voice is a long awaited DVD that includes interviews on consciousness, enlightenment, what happens after death, how we reach mystical states of awareness and so much more. Never before have I seen such a diversity of experts including scientists, mystics, representatives from various religions, lay people, etc. all coming together to present their many faceted answers to some of life's deepest questions. If you are a spiritual seeker, or a person seeking to blend science and spirituality, this DVD will assist you on your journey, give you so much more to explore, and help validate the stirrings in your own heart and mind. A fantastic film for anyone seeking to expand their understanding of human consciousness. And while you're at it, check out their cool website too...www.voiceentertainment.com.
-- Ann Albers, author Whispers of the Spirit, Love is the River: Learning to Live in the Flow of Divine Grace, Bridging the Gap Between Christianity & Mysticism, and Love Letters from Ann & the Angels - Volume 1"
AngelFace | Maryland, USA | 08/25/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"this dvd is 3 hours long, but broken into 2 parts (1.5 hours each) this video talks about MANY different things and will have to be watched a few times with like-minded friends to grasp some parts. a few parts did not make any sense to me (measuring the potential of water... potential to do what? how is this being measured?) and seemed to lack information. but maybe after i watch this again with my friend, we will be able to bounce ideas off of eachother and gain a better understanding. overall i am glad i bought it. its packed with interesting info, but its not as high quality a video (with visuals) as "The Secret" or "What the Bleep Do We Know?" or "Spirit Space". hopefully i will grasp more of the information in this the next time around!"
Music of the Spheres
Howard S. Gay Jr. | San Diego CA USA | 02/24/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is an in depth spiritual documentary and a real feast of spiritual and metaphysical concepts. It is Directed by David Sereda, film maker, author and environmentalist. Scholar Robert Thurman expounds on the mystical Kingdom of Shambala. Impeccable footage of spiritual images are here including many special effects. David articulates the stages of meditation and describes his own enlightening meditation in which he perceived the sound of our Sun. This sound was also described in the Vedas, and even verified by NASA. The viewer can hear the "Sound of the Sun" courtesy of NASA! So many topics are covered, such as astrophysics, conciousness studies, science, quantum physics, the insights of Pythagoras, and what spooked Einstein. Therefore the film (Parts I & II) runs a full three hours and i suggest viewing it in separate segments of 30 or 45 minutes each for easier absorbtion."
Amazing in depth video into Quantum Physics!
WIll H. | Arizona | 12/05/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I did not even know much about quantum physics other than What the Bleep do we know movie and this movie 'THE VOICE' brought everything together with great interviews and amazing information! Thanks!The Voice: The Cosmos and the Quantum Universe"
Science Meets God
Gary Hopkins | Cincinnati, OH USA | 09/19/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This video is a bit long (3 hours), but is broken up into two parts for easier digestion. I have been doing healing work for the last 8 years or so but have a strong leaning to scientific explanations of the experiences that I and my clients have. At least a general idea of it since, in the broad view, no one really knows for certain. Everything we know is based on our own perceptions and experiences and since every person has a unique combination of the 2.... then obviously its all subjective.
Having said that I liked this film a great deal. The speakers are passionate and very descriptive about what their experiences mean to them. The science that is displayed deals with near death experiences, the different levels of the GOD kingdom, Auras, different religions and dietys, energy, relationships between plants and people, sound/music, and various aspects of the universe, and how it all is intertwined. This is great subject matter for anyone studying any of topics listed above.
I think this film is a good broad representation of how everything overlaps in life and is entertaining enough to keep you interested in watching it until the end. A good addition to any any holistic library."