Samuel K. (Solvanda)
Reviewed on 12/1/2018...
This is volume 1, which encompasses the first 10 episodes of Season 5. This is a top notch series, which might be the best thing on television at the moment, and for many years. "Vikings" is a show which puts the story and creativity above budget and risk, the sort of thing you don't see much anymore, and you can tell it really is a labor of love for all involved. That being said, there are mass amounts of blood and fighting here, and scenes regarding Viking religion which might make some quite faint. As well, here we are getting more familiar with one of Ragnar's sons, Ivar the Boneless. While the sagas describe Ivar's physical disability, they also emphasize his wisdom, cunning, and mastery of strategy and tactics in battle. He was also a fan of the execution method termed the 'Blood Eagle'. This season portrays the beginning of his exploits in England. History records Ivar's death in 870. In 1686, a farm labourer called Thomas Walker discovered a Scandinavian burial mound at Repton in Derbyshire close to a battle site where the Great Heathen Army overthrew the Mercian King Burgred of his kingdom. The number of partial skeletons surrounding the body – over two-hundred and fifty – signified that the man buried there was of very high status. It has been suggested that such a burial mound is possibly the last resting place of the renowned Ivar.
If you know the history, you'll know that there are multiple inaccuracies in Vikings. I'm okay with that though. The show remains an excellent teaching tool along the way, as well as entertaining to boot. In fact, the episodes are absolutely addicting, and you'll be looking forward to each successive episode like a sip of fine whiskey.