Easy, watchable overview of the Vikings in the West
Geography Teacher | Midwest USA | 12/18/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I saw this film originally in the omnimax format, then purchased it when it became available this October. This is a great, watchable overview of the vikings in their journeys to North America. Lots of reinactments - the ususal omnimax scenic photography. The film does NOT go into detail of the vikings influence in the east - if you are interested in that, I'd recommend the NOVA viking video.
Also - the NOVA film (2 hours) goes into greater detail on all their topics -but it is a dryer more 'academic' film.
Overall - great intro film if you find yourself intrigued by the Vikings :)"
Prepare to set sail....
Electrifier | FL | 04/26/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Despite the short running time, this is a very
enjoyable journey with the Vikings. The colorful
modern reenactments are done well and gives one a
good sense of what it felt like to live among the
Viking people.
The Vikings were a conquering sort and pillaged many
lands and slayed many people, especially Christians.
This film goes into detail about their pagan gods,
beliefs, politcal assembly, and their notable architecture
on ships, mainly the longship(aka Drakkar) which
became a symbol of terror.
This film also describes the life of the hotheaded
Viking 'Eric the Red', whom was exiled from Iceland
due to a fued, and soon thereafter, discovered
Greenland and created its first colony.
This isn't a shoddily made documentary, but rather
a pleasant viewing experience that could have been
better elaborated on.
A great addition to our study of the Vikings.
TriciaLeeF | 01/28/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I rented this dvd to show to my 9 and 7 year olds to supplement our study of the Vikings. It was a big hit. It's not childish at all, but was very interesting and appropriate for their ages. The violence of the Vikings is discussed but not shown. The reenactments helped a lot to hold the attention of the kids too."