Not worth your time
Student | 11/09/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is an unfortunate documentary. It is remarkably slow moving- showing, for example, the roundness of a round church for 8 minutes. There is a great deal of un-necessary music that fails to enhance the video. Also, the cinematography is quite bad. The interpretations are also suspect- both narrators focus more on ideas from early gnosticism than Norse mythology. Dan Brown fans may enjoy that slant, but it seems blatantly speculative to me. Nonetheless, the discovery they make is interesting. To save you the trouble of actually watching, here is my summary:
Two round churches in Norway, built shortly after Christianity reached that country, lie along the same latitude. Using the golden ratio of the line connecting these churches, one can construct a large uneven pentagram. Two of the points of this pentagram are mountain tops with old Norse markings, two others are early monasteries, and the last is an early church. At the center of the pentagon inside the pentagram is a church of St. Thomas decorated with snakes. Four points of the pentagram are even, and the circle inscribing them has a circumference of 666 miles. The last point is slightly larger, falling outside the circle.
What does it all mean? The narrators of the film would have you believe that early Norse Christians were really Gnostics. I doubt that interpretation. They probably knew sacred geometry (something that was never really lost) and wanted to make a statement about the old religion with it. I have my own thoughts on this, but they too are speculative.
Bottom line: don't watch this film. There's about 5 minutes of interesting material in an hour and a half. They should have made a youtube video instead."
M. Starkey | PA | 03/13/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This somewhat controversial film boldly looks at the evil lurking in the most unexpected places and history of the Celtic church. Not my beliefs but interesting viewing."
S. Welge | NYC | 11/20/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Unfortunately this movie isn't made terribly well, has lengths and the music is getting in the way.
The discoveries regarding the pentagram are really fascinating though, and it is well worth watching for that.
Also, the norwegian landscapes are breathtaking."