A Drag Queen Explosion
Gary F. Taylor | Biloxi, MS USA | 01/10/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"In the far distant future, a theft of priceless jewels with mysterious properties lead three agents to set down on a planet to investigate--but alas, they are men, and it's a "women only planet." What to do? Why, pop a pill and turn into women, of course!Not all the performers are men in drag--the cast is filled out with quite a few busty-babes who are more than capable of giving their genderbending co-stars a run for their tassels--but if you enjoy drag queens, VEGAS IN SPACE is the movie for you. And for the most part, the male-to-female performers are expert in their work--which ranges ultra-high camp to occasional bouts of good old fashioned tacky. The script is silly, the cinematography, sets, special effects, and virtually everything else about the film is cheap. But the performers make it fun, with Doris Fish heading the line up. Watch out the Queen of Police doesn't bust ya for wearing beige!"
"Attention, attention.......Imperial communique"
sevenrepeat | Albuquerque, NM United States | 06/26/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"More wigs than a Rogaine failure, more make-up than Tammy Faye, you guessed it...it's "Vegas in Space"! Prepare yourself for the ultimate gender-bending ride through the galaxy. It's more than just a cult classic "B" rate movie, it's a role model for all who need those sassy one liners, those strange yet fascinating make-up tips, and those who long for "glamour in a world filled with mediocrity". If you don't see this, you may be the one element that stops Captain Traci Daniels from saving the universe. Do you want that kind of reputation hanging over your head?"
This Movie Rules!!
V. Scholl | 01/28/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I happened upon this flick on USA's "Up All Night" and was thrilled! It's not some kind of meta-drag movie ABOUT drag queens, it's a trashy sci-fi romp starring drag queens as the Empress Girlena and her denizens-more comparable to early John Waters than anything. If you like bad wigs, glitter eye-shadow, and long-nailed catfights (wait! am I describing Dynasty?), you'll LOVE Vegas in Space."
Bad...in a Good way
V. Scholl | Oklahoma, USA | 05/12/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"First off, this is a horrible movie. All the actors are dressed in outrageously campy drag, with cheesy lines, and a plot that Ed Wood would have been ashamed of. You can see the fishing wire holding up the asteroids; the cityscape of Vegas is clearly made out of cardboard and Barbie doll accessories. It's not even a B-rate movie. It's closer to P or Q.
That being said -- the actors KNOW it's a horrible movie. And if you just want to sit back and do a Mystery Science Theater on the thing, it's great. It's funny, cheesy, campy, and horrible, with more in-jokes and jabs and self-mocking than you can shake a stick at. When the actors make comments about how the Queen of Police's palace looks "kinda like a movie set" and that a nightmare is just "a bad dream sequence", you have to take the movie with a grin and a light heart.
Oscar material it's not. But it's great for what it aims to be -- a campy, ridiculous free-for-all.