Marina George | Naples, FL | 02/02/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You do not need to be a connoisseur of things Russian to appreciate this film, but you will especially like it if you are still in search of that ever elusive comprehension of the "Russian Soul" - the ultimate mix of the struggles that comprise one human lifetime in a wrong place at the wrong time.
Vasily (Vasya) Sitnikov's paintings and drawings - at least those that survived him, speak less of his asserted insanity and much more of his unique perception of reality and his unfortunate burden - having been born in the USSR.
The film about Vasya's life and his art, which you'll most likely never see otherwise, discovers this largely unknown, but magical painter for those of us who appreciate discoveries at any age in any form.
Russian Folk Surrealist
Lev Shekhtman | USA | 01/18/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The film by Andrei Zagdansky is an impressive and deep overview of a Russian emigre artist, that gives a feeling not only of a person, but of an epoch that on one hand remains in history, on another - tells about our time as well. Through the story of a tragic and yet a rich life of a talented artist, who happened to live and work in Soviet Union during the most stormy times of communist oppresion, survive, and not only survive but remain true to his artisic principals, Zagdansky inderectly asks the viewer a question - are we all up to the chalanges that life presents to all of us.
Lev Shekhtman, theater director/actor."
Russian Van Gogh
Alex Genis | 11/16/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Inventive, tragic and somehow funny, 'Vasya' is a sophisticated portrait of the Russian holy fool as an universal mad artist. A real gem.
Alexander Genis, writer.