Derek washington a cop with a vengeance travel to the dark side & must become the thing he hates the most when a botched sting operation leads to the discovery of a deadly vampire. Seeking the help of the last vampire ... more »hunter washington begins his training - determined to hunt the ultimate killer. Studio: Lions Gate Home Ent. Release Date: 05/22/2007 Starring: Ron Hall Rudy Ray Moore Run time: 90 minutes Rating: Pg13« less
Rammy M. (m5rammy) from VANDALIA, OH Reviewed on 1/19/2009...
Duuuude, Sooo poorly made it hurts to watch it!
The film quality
The acting
The "fight" scenes
The "swoosh swoosh" double zoom-ins
the list goes on
I tried fast forwarding but had to quit in the middle anyway.
Blade was a "rip off" of this ?!?
If so, I say thank goodness someone made a decent version of this c*@#
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Blade rip-off
lecudedag | NSW Australia | 08/18/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Clearly an attempt to rip-off the Blade series - black vampire hunter, samurai sword fights and martial arts. Very little vampirism.
The problem for this film is that the points above are done so very badly. Terribly sequenced fight scenes. Vampires with plastic store-bought teeth."
Lions Gate does it again
John | Boca Raton, FL | 11/07/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"More crud fron Lions Gate. They put together an attractive cover and buy these crummy films from independent producers for nothing and then sell 120,000 units to Blockbuster. Avoid buying from Lions Gate. This is all just garbage."
Don't even bother
TheRemedy | hawaii | 09/20/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Dude i rented this movie and I still feel ripped off the acting is terrible and the special effects look like they were done in photoshop, it mostly takes place in what to me looks like a costcos warehouse and the dude on the cover isn't even in the movie it stars sum out of shape dude runnin around armed with nothin but plastic daggers and bad acting its a miracle that this garbage was ever released DO NOT BUY THIS MOVIE!! unless your willing to laugh at how terrible this thing is."
Pineapple kisses
Jebbadiah Snapperwilkeltonersmithjo | The Pumpkin Patch! | 01/21/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"this movie was mabey the most entertaining movie i have ever seen! Not because it was an actual good movie but because it completely sucked! Its written,directed,produced, and staring the same guy- Ron Hall! Gearld Okamura's performance made the movie with random giggling and odd screching nosies , me and my friend were literally rolling on the floor laughing! I would recomened buying this movie used casue otherwise its a complete waste of $15! Buy this movie if u want to laugh ur gigglestick off at what could be the worst acting...ever! If ur into movies taht contain horrible acting and enjoy laughing at peoples attempt to act then we woud also recomend snakes on a train to! SO SAY THE PUMPKIN OVERLORDS!"
Vampire Cheese
SereneNight | California, USA | 05/24/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Vampire Assassins was pretty much unwatchable. Unless torturing yourself is your bag, I seriously recommend skipping this. Don't get me wrong... I love vampire films, even the cheesy low-budget ones, but this film was so bad, it's difficult to describe. The first 10 minutes was really enough to turn me off...It was like watching a highschooler's first attempt using the vhs video-recorder.
AVOID this film unless one of your relatives is in it and you want good blackmail material for years to come.