When David (Luke Wilson) and Amy Fox's (Kate Beckinsale) car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, they are forced to spend the night at the only motel around, with only the TV to entertain them... until they discover that... more » the low-budget slasher videos they find in their room were all filmed in the very room they're sitting in. With hidden cameras now aimed at them... trapping them in rooms, crawlspaces, underground tunnels... and filming their every move, David and Amy must struggle to get out alive before they end up the next victims on tape.« less
I didn't see some of the creepiest parts coming...scared me!
K. Corn | Indianapolis,, IN United States | 06/23/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you've seen every horror movie out there, maybe this one won't do anything for you. It definitely kept me watching for these reasons:
1. The couple, Luke Wilson and Kate Beckinsale, are having marital troubles. This is a nice twist on the formulaic "couple is in love, has sex, gets killed" theme. You won't find that here.
2. They end up in a really run-down motel run by a truly whacky guy.
3. Things get very frightening and it isn't the usual slasher flick. There are some nice twists and turns here...well, maybe not nice..but definitely riveting.
4. I was surprised several times and screamed my head off. You don't really want me to reveal much more, do you? If you're looking for a horror film, I assume you want to know if you're likely to get scared silly. Based on my reaction, I'd say yes. I also wanted to know how this was going to affect this couple's marriage. I mean, stick two estranged people in a motel with a psycho and see how that changes their perspective...
I do have to add that this isn't the BEST horror movie I've ever seen but it does the job."
Expect modest adult thrills--then sit back for a treat
Richard Ferrie | San Jose, CA | 12/02/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As an adult horror/thriller film viewer for *&^% decades, I am disappointed in most everything that comes out these days. VACANCY is a pleasant surprise, but I think one's expectations need to be modest. Also, the film requires a mature, savvy viewer who is tired of teenagers getting in trouble and being stupid, then heroic, then stupidly heroic. Adult thrills done with an aesthetic sensibility and yet delivering something palpable and strong are hard to come by these days. If you agree, catch VACANCY. (Also, watch the alternative opening under special features--hard to believe they shot this and had the integrity and audacity not to use it.)"
Atmospheric with Some Creepy Moments But Lacks Originality
Tsuyoshi | Kyoto, Japan | 11/24/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"After their car breaks down somewhere off the highway at midnight, a young (and bickering) married couple Kate Beckinsale and Luke Wilson check into an old motel. When they think they are the only guests staying there that night, strange things start to happen, including some banging noises from the next room.
With its nice opening title back and score that strongly remind us of Hitchcock, "Vacancy" is an old-fashioned thriller that does not rely on gores to raise its tension. That works to some extent with the effective performances from the leads and atmospheric photography by Andrzej Sekula. Hungarian director Nimród Antal ("Kontroll") manages to make us jump with several scary moments at first, but the film's tension slowly vanishes as the story unfolds.
For what "Vacancy" shows remains (for me) very familiar. The story here belongs to the territory of urban legends including disturbing images recorded on old VCRs, but slick as it is, the film fails to show a newer angle to tell this old story told in the past.
The film's second (and weaker) part suffers from the lack of originality in storytelling, making the whole situation which was so far pretty intriguing, just incredible. I cannot reveal too much about it, but probably you will think as I did when watching these characters making worst choices. "Vacancy" has its moments, but overall just an OK thriller."
Lawyeraau | Balmoral Castle | 02/25/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My daughter came by for a visit and suggested that we watch a movie together. We selected this film because it had a good cast and was billed as a horror flick. Well, we turned out the lights, and for the duration of the film we were scared out of our wits! It was a truly scary movie!
A married couple, David (Luke Wilson) and Amy (Kate Beckinsale), are on the verge of divorce and their last road trip together. David has taken a shortcut off the highway, and now they find themselves lost on some secondary road with nightfall setting in. To add insult to injury, their car breaks down, but they are able to get a quick fix by an overly friendly mechanic at a roadside gas station.
Unfortunately, the quick fix doesn't hold, and their car breaks down again in the middle of nowhere. They hike back to the gas station only to find it closed. With no mechanic to service their car, they are forced to stay in a seedy, two bit fleabag motel run by a creepy manager, who rents them a rundown room for the night. While in the room, they notice some VHS tapes on a shelf and decide to play one on the VCR. When they do, they get the shock of their lives. Let the games begin!
This is an action packed film that had my daughter and me cowering. The action is non-stop and the plot is quite novel. This is not a blood and guts kind of movie, but rather one filled with lots of tension and nail-biting suspense. Clearly, the Hitchcock influence is at work here, and the director well understands that less is more."
Is the film's title saying something about the script?
Steven Hedge | Somewhere "East of Eden" | 10/08/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"For those that say "this kept me on the edge of my seat" I have to say that I agree. I was on the edge of my seat to leave within 10 minutes of this film beginning. I've seen more intelligent writing on the back of a milk carton. Check into this motel and leave your brains elsewhere.
I want to like these kinds of movies, as they are a unique genre and a throwback to a bygone era. Aside from the gore and porn elements, which I never find all that appealing, the basics of this film pay homage to that class of films about run-down motels and stalker killers. We've seen all this before and done remarkably better. This film is a disappointment from the get go.
The actors are good "A" list people, but, unfortunately, it is their very presence that helps throw this film off as we expect a better film than what we get because of their association with the film. This kind of reminds me of the 70's era when top stars would make "guest" appearances in "B" films for a few extra bucks and keep their names in the limelight, but rarely would they actually "star" in the film.
My next issue is the totally illiterate script that has enough holes to drive a semi through. Hey, I can willingly suspend my disbelief as much as the next guy in order to enjoy a thriller, but I just can't totally shut off my intelligence. From beginning to end one is always thinking, "Why don't they just do this?" or "How come they didn't think of that?" The film's inconsistencies and poor resolution to the story make this film just too silly to be taken in any kind of serious manner. And, yeah, I know it's only a movie.
There are some cleverly directed sequences and photographic angles that genuinely create suspense and even a few chills, but other than that, this is a strictly "paint by the numbers" thriller that offers little if anything at all to the genre. This film is a huge disappointment and attempts to make money over the popularity of its stars, who should be embarrassed to be in this flop, and the recent rash of slasher, gore and porn thrillers masquerading as horror films in our theaters today. For a more memorable night of thrills and chills I highly recommend 1408 and Dead Silence.