Movie Synopsis
TekBandit | Cyberspace | 01/25/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Synopsis: Along with his newfound allies, Hakuoro clashes with evil tyrants who challenge his very existence. As these despots attempt to destroy all that he holds dear, the masked one realizes this anarchy cannot - must not - continue. He digs deep into his steely resolve to return his people to peace. Nevertheless, as one army of fiends is dispatched, another is spawned from the depths in its place. Still one question looms ominous, but unspoken. What is the meaning behind the mask? Perhaps, it endows Hakuoro with the clarity of truth to do what is right. Maybe it allows him to keep his distance from a world where he is essentially an interloper. Or could it possibly hold the secret to his past that only his savior, Tuskuru, knew of before her demise? Find out for yourself in these five epic tales of Utawarerumono."