Smooth & Ripped
Thomas A. Baltaeff | Drexel Hill, Pa. United States | 08/25/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This latest DVD purchase from Amazon[.com] is a real 'keeper.' Neverhas USHER looked 'so good.' Notice I didn't write- sound 'sogood.' The rap (no pun intended) throughout music circles isthat this cat will probably try to ride his gorgeous bod & fancydance moves to the top 'cause he's a tad shy in the lyrics dept.The DVD contains three videos- one a remix of U GOT IT BAD whichis a colloge of vignettes from the original release with betterediting techniques. Within we are treated to his classic duet routine with the microphone stand. The package also contains a photo gallery of 8- count 'em 8 poses, two of which willhave practically all brothas & sistas drooling up a storm.Being the black muscle lover that I am, I was hoping to catchmore than passing glimpses of this dude's smoothly rippledtorso & the disc doesn't disappoint. His beautiful smile &perfectly toned washboard abs certainly do it for me & we allknow I'm not alone on that St. Whether he's sprawled shirt-less on his bed offering up lyrics or dishing them out while admiring his muscles in a bathroom mirror, USHER keeps usmezmorized. But as good as this gets in the sensual sense, myguess is that 'Usher Live' once it arrives will top it 'causehe'll probably let it all hang out, especially during the en-core numbers. Yes this fine lookin' rapper has it going on real good all over his body. I feel another rush comin' on just thinkin' bout it. Now if he could just slide a few decent lyrics into the picture..."
What the Heck
Kay | New Orleans, LA | 07/19/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Ok when i first bought this i was so excited because i'm a big Usher fan and i could not wait to see it. The bad thing about it was when i open the case and but the cd in the dvd player what came on instead of Usher was Pink (the singer). I guess whatever company that made this dvd mixed the cd up. I was to mad. I don't know how they could make this kind of mistake. On the dvd cd it even says Usher big in black but when i put it in the dvd player it's Pink the singer. If you have this dvd please tell me if your usher dvd does the same."
Usher Realeases the Classic (U Got It Bad-Video) and part II
TTP | Atlanta, GA | 06/03/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Usher realease his first DVD single and more... and this is one of the best artist out right now and He could be better than Michael Jackson if he releases another 2 or 3 CD's and keep doing what he does best.... U Don't Have To Call a single that did alot of things in the U.S and U Got It Bad a TRUE single and classic......... 1."