For 60's types only
John Nixon | Fairacres, New Mexico USA | 05/06/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"THis film is a curiosity mainly becasue of it's use of "LSD spray" to cure Tommy Kirk's impotence on his honey moon. Tommy has come aways from the Mousketeer Club house in this film but alls well that ends well I guess. The production quality of the DVD is a little dark and the writing and comedy is weak even for those who like movies that are fun in their poor production quality. Add to this, the fact that Jacques Bergerac's French accent is hard to understand from time to time, make it a struggle to get through.This is not a film for deep thinkers, it is one for those who grew up inhaling back in the 60's and may play best on your dvd machine if you are in that mode today."
Review of Unkissed Bride
T. Erickson | Madison, WI USA | 02/08/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Excellent Film. A must for any film Buff. I would recommend this movied to anyone. It is funny, clever and very entertaining. Tommy Kirk is at his best in this film."