Robots,NO SEX...HUH !
guestar57 | Porterville,Ca.USA | 09/01/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
Starring: Kristen Quintrall, Dario Deak & Noel Thurman.
Directed by Griff Furst.
Probably the best Sci-Fi done by Theasylum in monthes.
You know, We could argue naming what it is,But let's move on.
The Soldiers© are somewhat SHOCK WAVES and shades of Dolph & Ahnuld.
Really liked their individual skills and lack of weapon knowledge,
Kind of evened the playing field.
A lot of chracters that die telling us why they created an ultimate combat tool that's evolving somehow,OMG !
Costumes were Classic Android meets Predator.
Kristin Quintrall was drinking Way Too Much Coffee or something, Truly an energized performance.
Dario Deak needs to be seen again, Great on screen prescence.
Noel Thurman delivers another thankless role,That viewer needs to further plot.
We see a sequel, Or a prequel would be nice seemed we picked up in the middle of goings on."
So bad it's worse than bad
Biff Fearless | Cape Coral, FL USA | 11/03/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I have seen a lot of low budget features which try to do too much with their limited budget. Universal Soldiers is an atrocity. It features one-dimensional totally unbelievable characters who are forced to play out an alomost incomprehensible plot and premise. It also has bad effects (even for a low budget film)and an extremely tenuous link to the Universal Soldier franchise (if there is such a thing). The makers of this film are exploiters of other films' success and this is certainly Asylum at the top (or bottom) of their craft."
Be aware
Dach Nednil | Slidell, La USA | 12/30/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Yet another bad Asylum movie, look at the negative reviews, and notice that the only positive reviewer is the same guy who writes positive reviews for all Asylum releases. Don't be fooled and buy any of their horrible products that glut the market and attempt to cash in on impulse buyers."