It's About Time!
Time Keeper | 12/02/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When I was an undergraduate majoring in physics, no one - not any Prof - dealt with a way to convert from one system of units to another. From US or British to Metric, switching between them, calculating within a given system, it was always, "find it in a physics or math book." All too often this inability to UNDERSTAND the 'technique' behind ANY conversion led to wrong answers due to the problems not being set up properly. Now, as a 59 years old Ph.D. research physicist, I viewed this disk and found that little 'technique' which has enabled me to get rid of those massive tombs of 'conversion-factors' books that can drive anyone crazy regardless of the formal education one has.
If anyone buys this disk and studies it carefully, he will walk away not only with the ability to convert any quantity from one system of units to another, but he will UNDERSTAND *WHY* he is doing it.
Additionally, this ability to successfully convert between systems - and even within any given system - will enable him to see into the 'physicality' of a physics - or chem problem for that matter - and better understand the nature of the phenomenon or phenomena he is studying or working with. I can't recommend this tutorial strongly enough.
Better check out this guy's math DVD's as well. The algebra through advanced Calculus are unbelievable: you will not only understand HOW to set up and solve the most complex mathematical expressions and equations easily, but better understand the abstraction behind the equations and manipulations necessary to arrive at a solution. Together, these instructional aids are the very best I ever saw, anywhere, at any time. Highly, HIGHLY recommended!"