Fine documentary focusing primarily on the elections of 2000
Matthew G. Sherwin | last seen screaming at Amazon customer service | 03/30/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections focuses on both confirmed attempts to rig elections and suspected attempts to rig elections right up to the national level of president. Of course, this is a highly charged and controversial subject; and it's primarily but not exclusively presented by Democrats who assert that elections were rigged using electronic voting machines, voter intimidation and other "techniques" to get a particular candidate to win a political election and thwart our cherished democracy. It is important to note that this film was made in 2007 before the recent presidential election. Therefore, this film does not criticize or praise the way the most recent presidential election was handled.
It is absolutely fascinating to see interviews with people who were victimized when they tried to blow the whistle on Diebold, a company that made electronic voting machines but then added extra computer code to "flip" votes. The idea of "flipping" votes is simple. If one candidate gets 51% of the vote and the other gets 48% of the vote, the machine automatically changes it so that the first candidate now has only 48% of the vote and the other now has 51%. We meet and see a computer programmer who testifies before a congressional hearing that he was required to write computer code to make that happen; and it was great to find out that he resigned and even rejected a million dollar bonus to stay with the company.
Another story that was particularly interesting was that of Scott Heller, a night shift word processor at a legal firm that represented Diebold. He discovered documents and information that proved Diebold was rigging votes using code in their computerized voting machines--and wow, how they punished him. At the time this was filmed he was a felon on parole for stealing evidence from the law firm; and of course he did make unauthorized copies of confidential information. On the other hand, however, his attorney points out that this sent a very negative message to anyone who wants to be a whistle blower out there. In addition, we get great interview footage with Bev Harris, founder of Black Box Voting, who campaigns tirelessly for fair vote counting if we use computerized voting machines.
We also meet Bruce Fink, a Republican in Utah who was an elected official--before he was kicked out of office. However, one flaw I found here was a lack of more detail about Bruce's story. I would have preferred the documentary to explain more about how other people were able to get rid of Bruce Fink.
Finally, we see voter intimidation specifically in the national elections of 2000 and 2004. For example, many people in African-American and Latino communities were told that if they didn't go away and park elsewhere they'd get a parking ticket; and in one predominantly African-American district there was no electricity in the building despite the fact that the building just across the street had electricity! Others had to wait up to fifteen hours just to vote when there weren't enough voting machines.
This documentary is somewhat skewed; it usually shows Democrats being shut out by Republicans as a result of faulty voting machines. On the other hand, it does make its point very well and it uses hard facts to back up its assertions. This film should stimulate some lively conversation about a very relevant topic fundamental to our democracy.
Democracy gone
Eric Frazee | denver, colorado | 01/23/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"No conspiracy theory's here, cold hard facts, some of which have been voiced over and over in the past, but also new facts which beg the question: Why is no one being held accountable? This documentary cuts into the heart of America, exposing the graft and corruption that finally broke through the revolving door and blew it off it's hinges in 2000. Today we are suffering the end result of that breach, the final phase of a planned op that allows corporate control of our government. The recent supreme court ruling allowing corporate to spend limitless amounts for the promotion of their candidate of choice is the final result (to date, fasten your seat belts) of the last vestiges of democracy being flushed down the toilet. The strongest point this documentary made to me was the fact that traitorous crimes have been committed over and over since 2000, and the perpetrators should at minimum be in prison. Our forefathers would have hanged them from the lamp posts, yet not a single entity has been held accountable. This is a statement about who really runs this country, and a must see for anyone who believes in democracy."