Passionate and Compassionate with Global Appeal
Rebecca Johnson | Washington State | 06/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
""It was musical love at first sight." ~Chris Martin talking about when he met Johnny Buckland
Although this DVD doesn't contain any music by Coldplay, it is an insightful look at the band and how they made their way from playing in London pubs to playing on the stage of the world.
Through short interviews with Chris Martin, you also get a sense of his higher mission and why there are more important things to worry about in the world, besides of course, buying ever album this band releases. His sense of humor and playful personality come across in his interviews and his admirable qualities include a sense of fairness.
I was impressed by his idea to split the royalties equally amongst the band members. He not only promotes healing in the world, he is living his beliefs. He seems grateful for his life and you can see the fire of his soul radiating through his eyes. His soul is truly beautiful and I love the way he approaches life from a more poetic perspective. His lyrics have an emotive quality that do seem to be portraying his heart-felt concern for individuals and their struggles on the planet.
As the story progresses various individuals in the music industry comment on how Coldplay developed their stage presence, how they had to deal with minor personality conflicts and then how their manager truly enabled their success through financial support.
The main sections include:
How it all Began
First Gigs
Let's Make a Record
Get Signed
Breaking America
A Rush of Blood to the Head
The Future
Bonus: Biography and Trivia Quiz - Questions about the bands original name and interesting facts about Chris Martin and how he was once a sign painter.
The rise of any band to superstar status does seem to have common elements and if you are starting a band then this would be an excellent DVD to view for the chronological aspects alone, not to mention the realities of having to write hundreds of songs to find that one perfect song that connects with your audience. If you are a fan who is dying to know more about the members and their life stories, then this is an excellent introduction to the background and philosophy of Coldplay.
The friendship factor is very evident in how Johnny Buckland and Chris play off each other intellectually, during the interviews. At times it seems like they are one mind as they engage in a humorous exchange.
This DVD puts the bands rise to fame in perspective and is a great introduction to Coldplay's albums. The biography section is fairly short, however it gives enough information to get you interested in finding out more about each band member.
~The Rebecca Review