(2 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a HUGE Cactus Jack fan, but this DVD was very disappointing to me. I read the other reviews and they make valid points on why they think this is a good video, but unless you liked the old school WWF Superstars in the late 80's then you will think this video is awsome. The quality is crap, the wrestling is crap, you might as well get a video of Lief Cassidy because it would be just as exciting. They call this video "No Holds Barred" that is not the case at all. I've seen more hardcore in a Gilberg match. Overall i was very disappointed"
Before he was hardcore, he was just...weird.
jddunn2 | Denver, CO United States | 04/04/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Before Mankind, there was Cactus Jack. An indy wrestler too crazy for the WWF and WCW. These matches are from the GWF and WCCW in Texas around 1989-90. These ratings are also reflective of the time so a 1989 *** match might be a ** match today.Cactus Jack vs. Terry Gordy - Terry was one of the best and a precursor to Cactus Jack. Jack takes an absolutely sick powerbomb on the hardwood floor. *** For the bump alone.Cactus Jack vs. Eric Embry - And the WWF says Chris Benoit is too short to be marketable! Jack gives an interview with Scotty the Body (Raven). Jack is allowed to show his nutty streak and gets in a lot of offense. ***Cactus Jack vs. Mike Hernandez - Skandor Akbar does a lot of commentary on this match, so it's hard to watch. Not much going on either. **Cactus Jack and Gary Young vs. Jeff Jarrett and Chris Addams - The box says Matt Bourne, but this is clearly Addams. Addams and Jarrett have the unique distinction of both having their wives/girlfriends stolen by Steve Austin. This is mostly a Jarrett/Addams match. Very formulaic but good. ***1/2Cactus Jack vs. Jimmy Jack Funk - No relation to Terry or Dory. Jimmy Jack has both the worst name and the worst mask in WCCW. Most of the match centers around an armbar before Jack takes over. Big bumps ensue. **Keep in mind these matches were from the first stages of Jack's career and he was just learning the ropes. For a better example of Cactus Jack's exploits find the IWA King of the Death Match. Over all a pretty cheap DVD made to cash in on later stardom, but for people who remember the old days of WCCW this is good for nostalgia. Recommended for Cactus completests and WCCW fans only."