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"Rating this on the movie alone, I would give it only 1 star. It's a bad story and really boring. I only purchased it to see the 3-D version, using the special glasses that you must buy seperate. The 3-D effect is really good. Not as fully dimentional as the other DVD's available for the 3-D system, but still works very well. As with the other three 3-D Slingshot DVD's available, the sound is really good too.
Overall, the movie itself is poor, but the visuals (in 3-D) and the sound (DTS) is very good. I would recommend checking out the Ultimate 3-D Collection (which includes the glasses and the three other 3-D DVD's, that is listed at Amazon.com) before purchasing Ultimate G's."
Ultimate Writer's Cramp
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Once again Imax has tried to combine a story with spectacular photography. I would think by know I would have learn my lesson. But you mention the word Imax combine with the Grand Canyon,Lake Powell and aerial photography I took the bait. This story is so simple that it takes away from the film. I feel if you do not have an interesting story to tell why try. Instead of going the educational or thrill route they went with a story that was hard to get through once let alone twice. Why Imax could settle for a plot like this when they are consistently A+ in the photo and sound department is a wonder to me. There standards can be so high on one end and at the bottom of the scale on the other. Imax has produce quite a few good films. But for my money those are films that are educatonal or have thrilling photography. This film has some of the photography but it allso has a story that will put you to sleep."
Ultimately for kids ...
Boggman! | Laguna Hills, CA | 07/11/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"In 2d........forget it!
In 3d, "Ultimate G's" is watchable, but its just not as special as movies like "Haunted Castle" or "Alien Adventure". There are some pretty cool flying sequences, but the 3d effect of watching planes flying in the air just isn't as thrilling as some of the "rollercoaster" affects in the two movies previously described.
Ultimately, the 3d version of "Ultimate G's" doesn't cross the barrier into adult entertainment. It's good to watch once or so in 3D, but kids will probably find it more satisfying than adults (especially for repeat viewings).
I'm glad to have this movie in my 3d collection, even if its not the best. If you are looking for an AWESOME 3d movie and haven't seen any of the mentioned films in this review.....I would suggest "Alien Adventure" and "Haunted Castle".
"Ultimate G's" is good-just not great. The computer and digitally animated 3D movies (Ultimate G's is a live story with real actors, planes, etc..) are really where the ultimate action is at!
No G's In This Movie
Benjamin Millspaugh | Greenwich, CT USA | 04/01/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"They chose the wrong title for this movie. Most of the movie is a story about a boy who wants to fly but can't ever get off the ground."
Totally forgettable tripe...
3dgeek | USA | 10/05/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"...but if you must add to your field-sequential 3D movie collection (and you know you must), you might as well add this. 3D effects are the main attraction here, so don't bother with this if you don't have the high-quality field-sequential (HQFS) viewing system for 3D. Better choices for HQFS 3D movies would be Transitions or Spy Kids 3D (HQFS). See my 3D list here at Amazon for other titles."