Mike is right... where are the bonus fights?
Will Mcphee | Concord, Ca | 05/19/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"First and foremost i want to say that i'm a huge Chuck Liddell fan.. .and it is very unchuck to whine about anything... However I think that the dvd could've gone in depth a little bit more and should have shown the full fights of liddell vs. Couture as advertised... I bought this dvd specifically because i thought i would be able to see the entire fight...
Jackson is not mentioned at all... but that is understandible because this is a Zuffa production and this dvd was made prior to the acquisition by the Fertitta brothers of the Pride organization... So I think for legal reasons when this dvd was made they couldn't include Chucks wantingness to fight Silva.. .and losing to Rampage in the Pride Ironman tournament...
Regardless... the lack of bonus material and the lack of full length UFC fights makes it hard to give the dvd a high rating... I mean the production paid for the rights of all these different songs for highlight reels and montages contained in the movie but they couldn't show complete fights??.. or go in depth a little more?? You can find additional stuff on youtube by searching around... The run time is exactly 1 hour... I think Chuck deserves a little more time then that.. and so do the rest of us for buying the dvd..."
Baddest Man on the Planet
R. Howell | Medford, OR | 01/02/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Chuck Liddell, up to early 2007 he was THE fighter people talked about. He seemed indestructable, laying waste to threats and taking on greats to beat them down. Here we get an hour long documentary that basically kisses Chuck's butt and shines him in the best light they (Dana White/UFC) want because he was their top draw at the time. This dvd is a look at Chuck's upbringing and points in his career the moved him into the next level. There's some great stuff on his personal life growing up and his training. It spends time with his loss/win over Jeremy Horn, his rivalry with Tito Ortiz, and his epic encounters with Randy Coutoure. For me, I loved the Tito segment as it gives us Chuck's take on their purported 'friendship' and shows the quality of opponents each man was fighting at the time (Chuck was busy knocking off serious contenders while Tito sat on top and was defending against maybe less-than-worthy opponents in title matches).
What this dvd doesn't have is any fights in their fullness. There's only highlights of some matches but absolutely no full length match. There's a bit of false advertising going on saying it contains all three Liddell/Coutoure fights when it's only miniscule segments of them (that and Amazon description claims 2 hours when it's only 61 minutes). There's no mention of his loss to Rampage Jackson but that's due to it took place in the PRIDE organization and not UFC (this was released before their UFC fight). The lack of full fights hurts the top star ranking of an otherwise well done look into the life of the Iceman. There is a definite vibe of Chuck butt-kissing going on here but that's to be expected because he's the man Dana White was pushing."
Great documentary
K. G. A. Alavi | London, England | 05/04/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
This is a great documentary about Chuck Liddel. Talks about Chuck's childhood and emulation as a fighter from his first fight in the UFC where he was the guy "with an accounting degree" to the Light heavy-weight champion. The great thing about the DVD is that it deals with how Chuck deals with losses to a Legend such as Randy Couture and how he over came them, and it is refreshing to see how much respect the fighter have for each other as well with the exception if Tito Ortiz. I think Jason Horn put it best when he said "I did not beat the Chuck Liddell of today I beat the fighter he was 6 years ago". The only problem with this DVD is that it does not give you any bonus material at all, and just the highlights of the fights them selves. It would be nice the have a couple off the fights in there entirety. I mean you can fit more then an hour documentary on a DVD. In closing I would just like to say if you are a fan of Chuck Liddell or Randy Couture get this DVD."