UFC Classics take you ringside to the original battles ? before there were rules. Masters in the skills of boxing, jiu-jitsu, karate, tae kwon do and more, the original warriors battled it out to the bloody end.
SpiritChild | Amherst, MA United States | 05/08/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I still remember when I first purchased UFC 3 on VHS in the 90's. It was so fresh, underground, and controversial. There were allot fewer rules and no weight classes, and the fighters were masters of their own disciplines. I liked seeing a master of jiu jitsu face off against a master of kickboxing. Today nobody really has a single discipline (they are all mixed martial artist).
I liked how the tournament addressed age old questions, such as which fighting discipline is the best, or can a David really beat a Goliath? I also like the classic way the tournament was run. 8 fighters began and winning fighters would advance to the next round to face each other until only one man was left standing as champion.
Yes, I agree that today's fighters are probably better than the ones you will see in these old tournaments, but these guys laid the ground work."
Royce Gracie.......Gracie
Mike B. Bligh | Indianapolis | 02/16/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"By todays standard, these guys will all seem pretty primative. But, back in the day, everyone thought that karate chop man would take down the world. So now we have a better understanding of fighting and it is much more evolved, thanks to the Gracie family who started the UFC to share their fighting style with the world. Buy this, enjoy it, and in turn, you will appreciate the skill of the fighters today."
There are no rules
Nick Chavis | Raeford, NC | 01/28/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you are reading this it means you are probably a hardcore UFC fan. You will enjoy the fights I am not going to spoil it for you by telling you who wins. Its great to get this because you get to see how the sport evovles over time, for the better or for the worse, it is up to you to decide. I would recommend going to ebay to buy UFC 1-30, that is what I did becasue UFC only released 1-8 of the UFC classics series."
The Foundation
Tyler | United States | 03/18/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Ah, the early days of the UFC. Rorion Gracie wanted to live the American dream so the Gracie's used their connections to get the UFC started to promote the Gracie's Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Were certain people chosen over others for entry? Was Royce protected? Many arguments can be laid out but lets ignore those.
This is the sport in it's early days (as far as the United States scene is concerned) where traditional martial arts were still the way. Fighters practicing one discipline and trying to prove it's worth. Eventually more and more rules would be enforced and the Gracie's would leave thinking the rules were too much.
Simply put, if you appreciate MMA and it's history, you can do no wrong picking these up. If you enjoy a spectacle you will also enjoy these. Otherwise you might just want to rent."
Classic UFC
Derek T. Alle | 01/12/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I only got into MMA a few years ago so I bought this to see what it was all about back in the 90s. The commentary is cheesey, the color commentators constantly got info wrong and wtf... Jim Brown? come on what was Gracie and partners thinking. Just watching the Tuli/Gordeau fight gives you an idea of what it was all about when it started."