'Ultimate Bellydance Fitness Workout' has emerged from the growing dance fitness trend. The workout consists of 7 segments, each led by a different professional New York bellydancer.In 'Ultimate' the faces, mood, style and... more » rhythm change every few minutes.Modern original music: Worldbeat and New Age. Dynamic, entertaining and challenging.The music, the spirit and the look of the fitness choreographies are young, modern, classy and sophisticated - not a whiff of stale air: Definitely not the old-fashioned kind of belly dancing.Every move on this video can be put to use on a nightclub dance floor.Dancers of all levels as well as non-dancers will benefit from taking on the challenge and moving up the learning curve to master the ULTIMATE workout. If you don't have any dance training, you will need sharp observation skills and focus to meet the challenge, but the prize is worth it: A shortcut entrance to the world of belly dance, doors flung wide open...for you.
Ultimate Bellydance is fun to watch. The warm up and cool down are pretty fun to do. The rest is too tough for me.
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Movie Reviews
For Beginners who don't want lot of slow boring instruction
Lena, LMT | Nassau, NY | 03/14/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have only been using dancing DVDs for 2 years with no prior attempt to dancing before that. I still lack the ability to grasp new dance techniques easily. I have most of Neena & Veena, the bellydance twins's DVDs, two of the Goddess Workout ones, and only one Rania since she is way too stiff. With that help, I had no trouble with this DVD at all. This DVD is meant for keeping your heart-rate up & keeping the music always present. The music is very beautiful with a nice beat, but light & spiritual as well with subtle female singing.
Every move is done in 1/2 time several times before moving on to normal speed w/naration over the music. Since most instructional DVDs are slow, most times w/o music & barely repeat more then a few times, this is a refreshing change for when you just want to practice & get your heart rate up w/o stopping. There were a few moves I had not previously been able to master, but have through this DVD such as pelvic lifts & pelvic rolls. There are some more advanced ones I have trouble on, but I just do the best I can & keeps me inspired to keep trying.
There are separate chapters by mood such as: joy, sensual that work on different body parts. The Ultimate on left side was distracting at first, but easy to get used to. They are always dressed in jeans or gothic wear, but you can still easily see how to move the body. Many of the dancers on this DVD went on to make their own or are well known & have performance DVDs.
The warm-up & cooldown are 16 min of very slow bellydancing moves & stretching. The warm-up & cooldown in only a FEW spots of the whole DVD lack naration for the forward bends, but that's it. The regular workout is 28 min but feels like longer since it never slows down to a crawl/break.
I wouldn't recommend this as a first bellydance DVD at all, but maybe a 3rd or 4th, try using the bellydance twins Neena & Veena (there are trailer's for their dvds at collagevideo.com
BTW, I don't mention the set or how people look, because I only care about the talent of the instructor, how well they teach & the content. Most directors & producers screw things up by putting up cheesy sets & almost all have camera zooms & angles that take away your ability to see/learn. This DVD at least has one of the least camera problems then most of my 20 yoga, 15 latin dancing, 5 hula & 14 bellydancing DVDs. I am especially agast at A. Kite's "boardgirl148" reviewer who has the audacity to complain about the dancers' facial beauty. That shouldn't matter, I'd rather learn from an ugly instructor w/talent then a gorgeous one who has none. If anyone really cares, I do think the makeup was put on way too heavily & it distracts from each dancer's unique beautiful facial features.
I recently found a link to their main site which has a trailer & screenshots for this & a couple other of their DVDs: worlddancenewyork com/catalog/wbfw html"
Best Bellydance Cardio Around!
Lena, LMT | 01/28/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the finest bellydance cardio workout available to the mass market, and may be the finest available anywhere. The setup is the best I've ever seen, with the workout divided into seven distinct and progressively harder segments. This feature makes it easy to repeat a segment and to "mix-and-match" segments creating your own personal unique workout. The warmup is the best I've ever seen on ANY fitness video, and has become one I use every day even with other fitness videos. The moves are interesting, getting most of the cardio from layering rather than traveling steps like Rania's series uses, which is a boon for those of us with two left feet. The combinations are beautiful and elegant, and unlike the combinations on other cardio videos will quickly find their way into your personal dance routines. The music is an upbeat techno-Arabic world dance sound that has me wanting to buy Jehan's cds. There's a little dance routine included in the extras, and a useful talk from a fitness instructor on assessing your personal cardio needs.The moves are called out but not really explained, so I wouldn't recommend this video to absolute beginners, although an absolute beginner could get a good workout buy just repeating the early segments and doing the cooldown. Two of the songs used in the segments have Goddess-positive lyrics, which is great for us Goddess-positive people. ;)So go on and buy the DVD already! And Jehan, use the money to put your highly recommended instruction and performance videos on DVD for the benefit of those of us with toddlers and without VCRs!"
I agree with cuing complaints...however
Karin S. Delsignore | NJ | 04/24/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I still rate it 4 stars because I really enjoyed this DVD. I have been to Jehan's school and her instructors are excellent. The DVD showcases a lot of the dancers who were in her NYC show Goddessdance. For those of you who are familiar with Jehan, she composes and performs her own music and that is what you are hearing on the DVD.My only real complaint with the DVD is that the cuing could have been better especially during the warmup when your head is down and you are facing the floor, but after doing it a few times, you are familiar with the moves and it's not a problem. I am able to complete the DVD without any problems and I definitely break a sweat especially after all those shimmies towards the end. I would recommend this DVD to dancers who are not absolute beginners as it does not break down the moves. But this is a much better bellydancing instructional DVD than Rania, Neena and Veena and the Goddess workout."
Excellent workout DVD!
L.T. | CT | 11/05/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not a dancer, but I buy dance workouts because I get bored with the regular ones. They don't keep me motivated to exercise. This DVD is the interest holding champion! It's a workout and a dance class combined, it's fast-paced, really the closest thing to real dance but still a workout.I particularly appreciate this DVD for teaching me to shimmy! It makes you try the shimmy at so many angles, that my body just found the position that works for me.It has a driving force that keeps me focused and intrigued with what I'm doing. Some weightloss videos are so monotonous that I lose alertness.I REALLY don't agree with the reviewers who criticize the instructors' makeup or the backdrop: If you are really working with this DVD (and it makes you work very hard!) you WON'T be thinking about that. It's all I can do to keep up the workout and TRY to do the moves as beautifully as the instructors do. The white floor and walls are just totally New York professional dance studio. You can see dance studios through their windows downtown in NYC that look exactly like this DVD. So doing the workout is like being in a pro class in New York - that's what it is for me every time. Those artificial "sultan's palace" videos are very colorful, but they're distracting. They show the background so much that sometimes you can hardly see the moves."
Fun, but pay attention!
L.T. | 06/09/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"First, the bad things about this DVD:
1. The graphic on the side is annoying and makes it look like a commercial the whole way through.
2. The chanting can get a little annoying for some people.
3. It looks a little low-budget, but this has very little to do with the content.
4. The lack of cuing when unable to look at the screen and sudden changes in movement.Now, the good:
1. The music fits perfectly and changes with each section.
2. The moves demonstrated look great and are shown in detail.
3. It's fun and never gets boring!
4. They have one girl for each section teaching the move, and then others are added to show variations.The workout/dance on this DVD is very complicated, and there is little to no instruction. They don't start at slow tempo so you can work your way up. They just do it and expect you to follow. It makes it difficult the first time, but after a few viewings you will begin to get the hang of it. Their entire bodies are shown, so you can see the detail of each move. If they were to include an instructional section for each one it would just be showing the exact same thing in a slower motion. Instead you have to either watch in slow motion or press rewind. The cuing problems can be annoying, but they weren't that bothersome for me. I love all the moves performed on this DVD, and it was really fun to do as well as a pretty decent workout. The only big complaint I have is that lack of instruction because it could definitely be very discouraging for some, but if you keep with it, it's really rather easy to pick up."