Very BAD authoring job for DVD-R
pickimon | 10/14/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Very Very cheesy video with stock footage that we've all see at least a thousand times an a hundred plus videos throughout the years. (old footage)
False advertising in that when I purchased it originally....I thought it was part of a series called "THE UFO TRILOGY:UFO's .......(put title here)" with the same company and the same cover, just different title. (I ordered 2 different titles)
When I recieved title #2 The cover looked like a kinko's copy on a generic DVD case and the media was a DVD-R???!! For $26.96 plus tax??!!! Not good at all! I can buy a close to first run movie from a major studio for less than that, and get an injection molded DVD (Silver not Blue)
The sound drops out part way through picture quality varies from pretty good to Pretty BAD!Mostly BAD. I'm sending this thing back right away. I've seen the "REAL" video in question at another internet outlet and I guess I'll get it there instead.
Not happy at all with this bait and switch because this product was NOT as advertised. It DID NOT have "The UFO trilogy" as part of the title."