Excellent - great information
Midge | TX | 08/09/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is one of the best UFO video's I have seen! The US media rarely shows 1/100th of the video and information available. This is an opportunity to hear Bob Lazar's full interview and that of CIA pilot John Lear's story as well. There is a lot of interesting information on S-4 section of Area 51. I had not heard about EBE's and Zeta Reticuli until I saw this video.
The really nice part of this video information is that viewers are not subjected to continuous insulting comments from Skeptic and other disinformation critics on the government's payroll... thankfully this video is excellent and uninhibited (unlike any anti-UFO, disinformational tripe presented by National Geographic and History channel).
Any production which George Knapp is involved with has been excellent thus far. Now if someone would do a video on the Dulce, New Mexico underground facility, it might shed more light on another seldom covered UFO/Alien issue."
Highly informative - recommended!
J. Kent | Sydney, Australia | 02/12/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I think most people who even loosely follow the UFO topic are aware that for many years now the top secret Government / Military facility known as Area 51 has definately been host to some strange, highly advanced objects and top secret, experimental aircraft.
The burning question of everyones lips is - are any of these UFOs advanced alien spacecraft? - according to this documentry the answer is a resounding "yes". The makers of this film go far beyond speculation and assumption which is the usual method of investigation by these types of films and actually speaks to well known and respected military people, CIA test pilots, aviation experts and UFO investigators. Plus there is quite a few convincing photo and video documentation to back up their claims.
They also claim that the mysterious "Aurora" project was designed directly from some extraterrestral technology as well as the B2 Stealth bomber and various unmanned drones and spy planes etc.
The most convincing evidence that this is all indeed real is a certain piece of video footage that was shot in the 90's by an investigator who managed to find a mountain top which was not as heavilly gaurded as the rest and had a direct line of site to the Area 51 base - he actually films UFOs landing and taking off - amongst other various supply trucks and craft entering and leaving the base. There is also pictures taken from small aircraft of other bases near the area that show underground hanger doors and silo's - all very compelling evidence.
Area 51 is indeed a real place - plus there are many other underground facilities housing this technology - once you see this film it's not too hard to imagine that the US Government has known about UFOs for many years, has had an open dialogue with certain races of extraterrestrials for many years (which is still in development) - has reverse engineered a small portion of their technology and filtered it into the industrial military complex - and has kept all this information from the public for many years because of the impact on society, religion and traditions but most importantly kept it from reaching the hands of the USAs primary enemies - namely the Soviets, but now I supppose it would be North Korea, China and Al Queda.
For anyone interested in this subject matter I would recommend this DVD - If I had to offer up one negetive comment its the fact that the quality of this documentry is very poor. The sound and visual resolution in some parts are very poor. But it by no means takes anything away from the enjoyment - and it in by no means unwatchable - but it is clear that a poor video to dvd transistion was made.
Another negative point worth mentioning quickly is Bob Lazar - he is featured on this video - and offers a highly convincing interview. I'm still however very skeptical of Mr Lazar as no investigator has managed to proof 100% that he worked at any of the facilities he mentions. There have been other varified military and scientific people come forth and confirm Mr Lazars claims as being true, but many investigators still find that alot of his comments condtradict his previous interviews etc -
One point in Mr Lazars favor must be made - and that is he does not appear to be trying to profit from his claims. He has no book that Im aware of that he's trying to promote and he does not publicly speak at any conventions etc - and he generally fears for his life and keeps very low-key. He has however been recently arrested by Nevada State Police for writing a software program for a well known 'illegal' brothal. Because of this, the website ufowatchdog.com has entered him in the Hall Of Shame, alongside all the other well known and exposed UFO frauds.
I'm not personally convinced of Mr Lazar - and I'm not unconvinced either - anyway, watch his testimony and make your own conclusions.
Despite Mr Lazar I have no problem in recommending this film for any serious UFO buff / investigator. There is alot of compelling footage and fantastic claims made by credible people."
UFOs & Area 51: Secrets Of The Black World
RetroRocket | USA | 02/26/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Save your money. While this production was better than Flying Saucers Area Real it still isn't worth the price. It is horribly done with lots of shakey video footage of blurred lights in the sky. That and "he said she said" type stories. Some of the interviews have distracting background noises in them like the tape recorder was squeaking as the spindles turned! I thought something was wrong with my DVD player at first! Bob Lazar's interview is the only interesting/redeeming portion of the set. This was very disappointing. Get the Unsolved Mysteries UFO DVD set, but leave this one alone. It is really amature."