Avoid this terrible version of this great movie..
crysstopher | 05/12/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I ordered this version in hopes that it would be a better release than the previous sub-par versions out on DVD, and I was extremely let down. The video quality is very blurry and everyone looks fuzzy, and the audio is dubbed over in English, instead of the original Italian with English subtitles. I recently watched this movie on TCM and the quality of thier print of this film was over a hundred times better than this copy. Don't be fooled into buying this extremly disappointing release."
Great movie, but terrible video and audio quality!
crysstopher | 11/05/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Once more I have been duped into buying another copy of this terrific movie, only to be terribly let down again. This "collector's edition" released by Big D Productions is just another awful video and audio transfer like all of the others. The picture quality is so blurry you can't even make out facial features when the characters are filmed at a distance. Audio is even more attrocious, as once again the movie has been released with the bad english overdubbing instead of the original italian language track with the english subtitles. So far, the only time I have gotten to see this wonderful film in all it's beautiful glory is when I catch it playing on the Turner Movie Classics channel on TV. Maybe one day someone will be able to use their print of this film to make a decent DVD transfer. Until then, this copy I bought will be added to the pile of other bad copies I have been fooled into buying, and I will have to check the cable guide to see when TCM is replaying this classic so I can enjoy "Two Women", and won't cringe every other second while watching it!!!"