With over 16 moves and 3 'full-length' patterns, Shawn Trautman's Two-Step Moves & Patterns Volume 6 is an absolute grab bag of cool material that every intermediate and advanced Two-Step dancer should have access to. ... more »As you progress with your Two-Steppin', you will start accruing a bit of a repertoire of moves, but the question becomes how to string them together. This volume is where Shawn's underlying focus as you master steps, technique, moves and patterns is on movement connections and how one position flows into the next. This is the lesson where you and your partner will make huge steps toward understanding lead and follow cues as you master the material under Shawn and Nicole's tutelage. As always, Shawn takes the time to give you some valuable bonus material geared to take your newly acquired knowledge and honing it into artistry with a couple of options that will blow your socks off! Shawn's Two-Step Moves & Patterns has proved to be just as addictive as the others as you take your dancing from good to spectacular over the course of a lesson.« less