Learn how to dance Two-Step with Shawn Trautman's All New 3 DVD set with over 4 hrs of non-stop video lessons. Teamed with former national champion Nicole Frye, Shawn unveils a new teaching format, tons of tips & trick... more »s, bonus sections, practice music, & much more! Shawn?s three (3) step-by-step Two-Step Basics dance videos show you everything you'll need for true lead & follow 2-step using fun & easy practice drills you won't find anywhere else... in no time flat you'll be dancing around your room & jamming to your favorite 2-step dance music. Each of these 3 DVDs included in the Two-Steps Basics series is set up like a private lesson in your living room. Simply pop the disc in, push play, stand up, and dance along with Shawn and Nicole as you learn the steps, train your body with proper exercises, and practice to music. By the end of this set you will be confidently dancing the Two-Step basic steps, turns, spins, and more.« less