Bottom of the 9th inning. Two outs. It's now or never. — Nan-hee (Soo Ae, Love Letter), a spunky, 30-year-old struggling novelist, is torn between 22-year-old baseball prospect Jung-joo (Lee Tae-Sung, Time Between Dog and W... more »olf) and childhood friend Hyung-tae (Lee Jung-Jin, Love Story in Harvard). But the game is nearly over: Jung-joo's baseball career may take him to America, and Nan-hee may lose Hyung-tae to his old flame. And besides, why would Nan-hee want to risk her friendship with Hyung-tae by trying to take their relationship to another level?
With a career stranded at second base, a nagging mother, and potential romances in danger of slipping away, Nan-hee needs to hit a home run to win at the game of life. Fresh, romantic, and hilarious, Two Outs, Bottom of the 9th Inning is a Korean TV drama series about striking out, making a comeback, and betting it all on that final turn at bat!« less