Michael M. (bugsyboy) from LEAWOOD, KS Reviewed on 5/30/2010...
Sherilyn Fenn is absolutely stunning in this movie. Interesting movie about privilege, desire and leading a double life (or maybe a triple)?
Movie Reviews
The eternal question -- what's up with Zalman King?
Jeffrey Ellis | Richardson, Texas United States | 10/29/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Say this for Zalman King -- he knows how to film a sex scene. His films are frequently ludicrous and always seem to be in danger of collapsing under their own lurid symbolism but nobody can argue that he hasn't come up with some truly erotic images. Partly this is because King has consistently cast some of the most beautiful and sensous actors and actresses in film today. A perfect example -- the amazing Sherilyn Fenn is Two Moon Junction, the insane Southern melodrama that remains King's "best film." Fenn is the deceptively sweet daughter of a grand old Southern family who, despite being expected to marry a typically bland social equal, finds her drawn to drifer Richard Tyson. Now, this isn't exactly a love story -- at least not in the way that Hollywood usually makes love stories. What is made perfectly clear here is that the main attraction between Fenn and Tyson is that they have really great sex and a lot of it. And most of it on screen. Certainly, Burl Ives and Juanita Moore and a few other out-of-work name actors wander through the film without disrobing and King attempts to make a few "statements" about the nature of man. Fenn gives a strong performance (suggesting the charisma she'd later reveal in Twin Peaks) but in the end, this film becomes a rare combination of an unintentional campfest and an amazingly erotic film. Watching it seems to produce a bizarre combination of being both totally amused and seriously turned on.Even though his name doesn't seem to carry the same pop cultural amusement as it used to, Zalman King is still out there -- fighting to get his whacked-out vision of a world obsessed with sex, jump cuts, and needless camera angles onto screens across the world. The man who once played Jesus Christ in the movies has gone on to be come the foremost purveyor of pretentious sleaze -- i.e., films that try to hide their pornographic or exploitation roots by dressing all the sex and violence up with a bunch of metaphysical blather about the nature of man and such. And I say more power to him. Though King appears to take his work far too seriously and most of his films -- when you get right down to it -- are rather bad, they're also very entertaining in a "Somebody-actually-made-this-way." Zalman King is the Ed Wood of softcore -- his plotlines and dialouge are always good for a laugh. And say what you might about his skills as a director, King knows how to make even the most ludicrous scenes erotic."
Stylish, Sexy, and .... Silly! But still wonderful!
Brett D. Cullum | Houston, TX United States | 06/26/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Two words here should make anybody understand this movie - Zalman King. He was onboard for 9 1/2 Weeks, Red Shoe Diaries, and Wild Orchid. Love those flicks? This one's a winner too. Hate em? Steer clear and let the rest of us have some fun. Music is wonderful, camera work is outstanding, and the sex scenes increase in intensity throughout the film. The plot is simply a Southern pot-boiler about Sherilyn Fenn trying to chose between her vanilla fiancee and the ultra-hot carnival guy who makes her engines run (he looks like Michael Hutchence of INXS on steroids!). Throw in Louise Fletcher as a wise and iron-fisted grandmother who wants to see her make the "right" choice, and she'll kill anybody to make sure it happens! Also included are choice cameos by Kristy McNicol as a bi-sexual party girl, and Tattoo from Fantasy Island in his last role! It's a hot hoot! No special features here, but the DVD is a vast improvement over the video. Zalman King movies rely on visuals and music, so this is the only way to watch! Definitely worth the price of admission if you like your erotica served with sexy saxophones and white clothes everywhere! For some reason EVERY character in the movie wheres WHITE constantly. They must have spent most of the budget on bleach! Also watch for a pre-teen Milla Jovovich making an appearance as one of the little sisters. For [the money] you'll have a sensual blast!"
An erotic story for women; Julie | Glendale, CA (USA) | 04/03/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I went to see this film in a movie theater when it was released. A man in the audieance yelled out "What is the point of this?" during the movie. Honey, there is no point. Zalman King's movies typically are geared toward male sexual fantasies, but this film will appeal more to women. Sherilyn Fenn is gorgeous and Richard Tyson will have women drooling. This is what porn should look like, from a woman's point of view. Every woman friend that I know that has seen this has liked it. The plot is questionable, like plots are in a lot of Zalman King's films, but it is erotic and steamy visually. Check out "Red Shoe Diaries" & "Delta of Venus" for more hot and sexually charged visuals."
If Truman Capote wrote softcore skin flicks
Brent A. Anthonisen | Alpharetta, GA, USA | 07/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"...quick, think of as many Southern (by this I mean American Deep South) stereotypes as you can. Now imagine a series of down-side-of-their-career actors (and I'm talking Oscar winners, here...Louise Fletcher, Burl Ives) supporting then-unknowns Sherilyn Fenn and Richard Tyson whose main selling points are that they look absolutely smoking hot wearing nothing at all with the proper lighting and a hint of vaseline on the camera lens.
With that in mind, I shamelessly offer this, the only softcore movie that I think enough of to actually own. It's basically a trashy romance novel come to life...the plot is as predictable as anyone could ever expect, and character development is...well, there IS a reason for nudity in a film like this, after all. The love scenes are of course scorching hot and terrifically filmed (Zalman King could be considered the Francis Ford Coppola of this genre, after all), and Richard Tyson is so completely over-the-top as a carnival worker with a SERIOUS Jim Morrison complex that it is hard not to be entertained. Kristy McNicol provides a mild diversion (as well as fashion tips involving rouge and angora sweaters that should be helpful to SOMEONE), the aforementioned Ives and Fletcher are suitably (if not unintentionally comically) menacing, and just when you think things couldn't possibly get any stranger there's Herve Villechaize as a cheapskate traveling carnival owner and all of a sudden we're watching MTV's "The Surreal Life", except the nude scenes aren't blurred out this time.
"Two Moon Junction" is campy, trashy, perhaps even exploitative, but it is also quite accomplished within its genre. You're probably not watching this with the hope of experiencing master thespianism (that's THESPianism) anyway, so sit back, unplug your brain for an hour and a half, and take it all in. And don't worry about watching this as a "date movie", either...I have yet to meet a woman who hasn't seen this movie and who doesn't like it at least as much as I do. That alone should be sufficient recommendation for you to check it out."
Definitely worth watching! Entertainment for men and women.
Brent A. Anthonisen | 07/20/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I first rented this movie about 10 years ago on the recommendation of a male friend of mine. I definitely thought this was a movie that both male and females would enjoy. How could any male resist the luminous and incredible beauty of Sherilyn Fenn and the undeniable raw animal magnetism of Richard Tyson -- those eyes, those lips, that unbelieveable body. Since then, I have been trying to see everything that Richard Tyson is in. I definitely believe this movie is one of his best role to date, as he seems to get type-cast as a "heavy" in most of his other movies, although I did enjoy his performance in the Red Shoes Diaries Part III, which was basically, a one-man show and he carried it off great. I truely enjoy his acting style as it appears he tries to individualize each character he plays, even when playing the "heavies". This movie is definitely worth watching and Kristie McNichols gives a refreshingly surprising and different performance than you would normally expect from her. I recently re-rented this movie and watched it over and over and over again. It's definitely a sexual fantasy for both men and women and I think there isn't a woman around who wouldn't succumb to the bad-boy charm of the character Mr. Tyson portrays. You can't help but love him in this movie. I've finally decided I had to add this movie to my permanent collection of movies and bought it. It sure does help getting through some long nights!"