Same as Part I
Anton Batey | Detroit, MI USA | 01/31/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"It was the same as Part I, except "remixed", lol.
No new information...
Same repetitive theories...
Quite boring...
No new leads...
The best series ever on this issue!
Quennel Gale | 09/07/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Watching this documentary blew me away. These guys went and found police specialists, prosecutors, examined the rule of evidence as well as went through the 7 common steps of assasination to show how and why Tupac was killed. In interviewing the people who new and were around Tupac, his body guards, its no wonder why the LAPD, Las Vegas PD did't want to solve this mystery. This documentary also exposes Suge Knights connections with both police departments and it compared many of his statements on his dealings with death row in recent court findings and showed how they were false, even being proved in court.
They even reinacted the assasination and showed why Suge didn't want Pac's bodyguards carrying weapons, etc. As proven by the prosecutor, this information is enough to convict one of murder to a grand jury. I truly believe that it is only a matter of time before the culprits who are clearly identified and proven to have murdered Tupac on this documentary will be brought to Justice. The east cost vs. West Coast theory is a lie and totaly fradulent in the murder of Tupac. The evidence clearly points to the culprits found in Death Row itself.
If you want fancy theories and BS watch other films, but if you want the truth watch this one. Supported with Federal documents, evidence and more than enough information to convict any normal criminal in a court of law. To bad Pac's killers had money to circumvent this justice, for now!"