Daniel Baldwin acts and directs in this utterly awful BOMB!!
Michael Bolts | superior, wiusa | 12/05/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Daniel Baldwin (Trees Lounge, John Carpenters Vampires) plays a security officer who helps out in transporting a dangerous criminal, Kim Coates (Open Range, X-Change (with Stephen Baldwin), whos being accused of stealinga bunch of diamonds. Things go worse when a group of people highjack the train and it ends up in a tunnel. The highjackers seal off both ends of the tunnel in which it will explode. Baldwin and a pretty lady must thwart the plans of Coates and his sniveling gang in order to stay alive and not get blown away. Just a quick question: "Where the hell are the rest of the Baldwins?" That would of been cool to see...Alec on knives, Stephen on explosives, William with the latest in weaponry (guns etc) and Daniel with hand to hand combat. Throw in Adam Baldwin for no reason and we got a Baldwin feast. What I am trying to say is that Daniel Baldwin creates a concoction which is purely and utterly a awful BOMB. Probably one of the worst action movies on the open market. Annoying characters and dialouge fill the air with dry non energenic action sequences. A B movie my ass! This is below the belt. I"
Pretty Decent Action Flick
Gary Young | Tucson, AZ USA | 10/23/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Though far from original, "Tunnel" is a relatively entertaining action film. Daniel Baldwin directs and stars as a cop helping to transport a jewel thief via train. The thief's partners hijack the train, stranding it in the title locale. It's up to Baldwin and a female passenger to stop the hijackers and prevent the tunnel from collapsing as the hijackers have rigged it to explode.
The film gets off to an awkward start, but manages to pick up steam as it goes. Kim Coates, as the main jewel thief, makes a great sneering villain. Daniel Baldwin is a likable enough hero as well. The film does tend to drag at times, but there's enough action on hand to make up for the dull stretches.
"Tunnel" won't make you forget about slam-bang action movies like "Die Hard" or "Lethal Weapon", but it's entertaining in its own right. There's enough guns and explosions to satisfy even the most jaded action movie fan."