Israeli Propaganda
J. Perez | NY, NY USA | 08/20/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Knowing what we know now about the complex issues of Palestinian and Israeli rule in this land - the title alone is problematic. The film itself, however, reads like pure propaganda for Israeli occupation of these lands that were to be shared. Ironically, at times it feels more like a Reifenstahl film extolling the "superior Germanic race." Though made in the 60's it often feels like the 40's newsreel style compilation of clips. Were it as beautiful as "I Am Cuba" - also a propaganda film sponsored by Communist Russia on behalf of the Cuban government, it would at least have some redeeming quality. The footage can be interesting historically, but such a lopsided presentation perpetuates the depiction of the pre-Israel non-Jewish residents of Palestine as simple-minded camel-herders whose children bathe in the same water with cattle. In this respect it was painful to sit through as with any film we now know to be racist."