Passe moves, lackluster dancing, bad background dancers & ho
Lena, LMT | Nassau, NY | 07/09/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I love Gloria because she's a patient & slow teacher. She knows how to build up to a routine. She's not the best dancer, but at least I get the moves down & never lost.
In this one, she uses the same stage, slightly diff urban steel decorations, but similar. What she mistakenly does is use 15 - 20 year old girls who are not good dancers. They're maybe ok on a dance floor with friends, but other then that... They have no enthusiasm & Gloria's has seem to gone down along with them. It's like she's in auto pilot. The music... HA! it's like a single beat & that's it.... the 2nd song sounds like that whistling from an old western movie when facing a bad guy across a desert, the 3rd song is somewhat decent, but kinda passe. This kills me, the tempo is so slow & boring. The camera.. it was a little bad in her previous dvds, but this time it's horrendous. They try to make it look all "funky" making it b&w, wobbling it around, showing the border the the "record" lettering..... It moves so much, you might get dizzy. You keep losing focus, losing Gloria & have to find her again & again. It's like "Where's Waldo?" every 15 seconds.
The moves are ok, kinda decent, only good for total beginners to hip hop.
She teaches 1 step at a time, making it it's own exercise & doing it VERRRYYY slowly several times then normal tempo a couple of times, then adds another step & does it slloowww as well. I like when instructors teach in 1/2 time a couple of times, but she went 1/4 speed, so slow I couldn't even see how that is suppose to look like a finished product. She doesn't show you the finished move first so you're guessing what that move is until you do it full tempo finally.
The 3rd segment she taught faster which was great, but the moves were very easy & not cool.
She claims there's some pop & locks, but if there was, she & her dancers didn't do it right.
This dvd is only good for people who have no idea how to hip hop, & need a lot of slow practice."