While filming an action movie in the jungle, death and hilarity ensue as the lead actors believe the murderous heroin-producing gang they encounter is part of their movie.
Slapstick fun. People need to get over their political correctness and try to enjoy life more! Robert Downey, Jr. said the majority of his friends thought his role in this movie was great!
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 2/5/2012...
It's obvious based on some of the reviews that some people missed the point altogether of this film. Stating that this film is making fun of the Vietnam War shows a level of complete ignorance that's beyond belief. The Vietnam War is just a minor part of what this film is about. Vietnam war movies have become so cliche filled and pretensious over the years that they deserve to be made fun of. If you're at all familiar with the making of films like Apocalypse Now (which is based on a book Hearts of Darkness-that had nothing at all to do with the Vietnam War), Full Metal Jacket or Platoon (which merges together numerous events in an unrealistic way) you know exactly what I'm talking about.
There's a certain mentality in Hollywood that's perfectly captured in this movie. This film is making fun of the mindset of certain filmmakers & actors. A director making his first large budget studio film is bullied by the Producer in charage & the various actors all have their own selfish reasons for appearing occur on a regular basis in Hollywood. This film succeed as a comedy due to the fact it holds nothing back. It's willing to point out & make fun of the egotistical nature of big budget Hollywood. The pure insanity shown isn't that far from the truth.
Some people complain that the language and content is too mature and fails to capture the feel of the classic comedies. It's an R rated movie people. Face the reality that the majority of the so-called classic comedies of the past wouldn't stand a chance today and seem really dumb. Also keep in mind that capturing the feel of those types of films wasn't the point of the filmmakers.
4 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Alice H. (singlegalkansas) from TOPEKA, KS Reviewed on 2/22/2010...
Laughed and thought it was very funny!
5 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.
KAT O. Reviewed on 2/3/2010...
1 of 9 member(s) found this review helpful.
Frank E. (realartist) from HENDERSONVLLE, NC Reviewed on 7/20/2009...
Content advisory states "violence profanity, sexual situations, drug content...welll...pretty much covers all the deadly sins, huh? I am a fan of Ben Stiller and Robert Downey jr - and although there is some laughable bull s___ happening...it really qualifies as vile & stupid to the point of ludicrous ( not funny, that is )= bloody, and disgusting for anyone with a moral compass.
Movies in the 50's and 60's had to have SOME socially redeeming value...some lesson to learn from it all, even though sex and violence may have been part of the story. Here the driving force could be summed up "socially redeeming value ; shoshally sheeming shalyu-the sort of Jewish play on words remindful to us as redolent body waste.
There is a bit of redeeming value deep under the surface of this fetid stinking script : It is a 'play within a play' so to speak; with perhaps the mind numbingly vile and self absorbed cruelty and lunacy of Hollywood movie production personnel itself "On Trial" here. If the people behind movies are anything like what is depicted here, we now understand how so much relentless effort there seems to be focused upon pushing America to its lowest depths of depravity in the shortest time frame possible....wThis movie happens to be the most egregious example of demonic depravity behind this inexcusably toxic pig swill coming from movie producers today. Pigs would turn their noses up at it...but apparently, insipid youth still go out and spends several hundred million dollars a year exposing themselves to this criminal mind putrifaction. As a disabled combat veteran of Viet Nam I am appalled at this shameless and foolish exploitation of the genre.