Calling this a tribute hardly does it justice: it's an exercise in absolute hero worship. The program presents, in no particular order, the major events of Ronald Reagan's presidency, making use of film shot during the Hol... more »lywood-type productions at which Reagan's media advisors excelled as well as news footage of such events as the Grenada invasion and the assassination attempt by John Hinckley. Reagan's early life in Hollywood is also covered, though the choice of film clips is at times mystifying. At one point Kate Smith performs her trademark "God Bless America" in its entirety, though what, if anything, that has to do with Reagan's film career is never explained, and a lengthy showstopper from a musical in which Reagan had a bit part is also shown in its entirety, though Reagan doesn't appear in that particular number. This production doesn't presume to be serious history, of course, and it makes no attempt to present a balanced or even a particularly informative look at Reagan's political career. Interviews with Reagan cabinet secretaries Caspar Weinberger and James Baker, apparently shot while Reagan was still president, offer platitudes but little insight. There are plenty of clips of Reagan giving speeches and telling funny stories, and lots of bunting and balloon drops, but even those who embrace the general theme of these tapes, that Ronald Reagan was unquestionably the savior of America, may find this production incoherent and puzzling. --Robert J. McNamara« less
"I had the VHS version and liked it, so I went ahead and bought the updated DVD. It was well worth it. The DVD version has a lot of new footage, including some of Reagan's most famous speeches ("A Time for Choosing" and the speech after the air traffic controllers went on strike are classics). I've seen a lot of Reagan videos, but this one by far is the most comprehensive. It has everything. And the new DVD features are great, too. If you can only buy one Reagan video, this is the one."
Superb, must see movie foe everyone, even for anti-Reagans!
ZAZA SIAMASHVILI | Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia | 09/25/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ronald Reagan did save our lives and the sole fact that we work, leave and sleep peacefuly, is the result of his vision and the style of leadership. He brought our dreams to life by his arrogance and strong belief in future and democracy. This video will tell and remind us again that He did act and while acting he never gave up thinking about the people around the world. Let us wish Gipper all the best for the remainder of his glorious life!"
OK but not the best of the Great Communicator
Patrick Dolan | 06/15/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This is fine but not the final word. I would highly recommend spending a few more dollar and picking up MPI's "Ronald Reagan--the Great Communicator" which has seven hours of highlights."
The definitive Ronald Reagan video
Patrick Sullivan | New York, NY | 05/10/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ronald Reagan was a great American, and this video is a worthy tribute to this heroic figure. The program extensively covers the former President's life, including several in-depth interviews with White House insiders. If you're looking for a video that is both entertaining and informative, look no further."
Everyone Should See This
Patrick Dolan | 02/08/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ronald Reagan is truely a Hero. He brought back optimism to a Nation that had given up hope. He brought back pride to be an American. Looking back at all he achieved is awesome and inspiring. I recommend this video to all the young people that never really knew what it was like before President Reagan gave us back our American Spirit! I remember it well and I say "Thank You, President Reagan." & "God Bless You""