Chow yun fat plays a cia agent on a secret mission en route to china. He rendevous in a shaolin monastery and falls in love with a beautiful girl with supernatural powers. Superb action scenes and light-hearted comical int... more »eraction with the temples monks. Subtitles: chinese english japanese malaysian & more. Studio: Tai Seng Entertainment Release Date: 12/05/2000 Starring: Chow Yun Fat Wu Chien Lien Run time: 105 minutes Rating: Nr Director: Lau Chun Wai« less
"From the perspective of someone who has a much higher appreciation of CYF's action film history than CYF's romantic-comedy/drama history, this film is a winner. People are right when they accuse it of "genre hopping." One minute a bloody gunfight will lead into some corny cop jokes. Then some supernatural acts will lead into a love story which is then followed by quirky Asian comedy. Some might chafe at the thought of such a stew, but it does work.So, if you already have A Better Tomorrow, The Killer, Hard Boiled, City On Fire, Full Contact, City War, etc. and are looking to branch out into CYF's less-action more-light fare, this would be a great first stop. Also, check out CYF in Once A Thief, another film light on the bloodshed, but still interesting enough to own."
Romance and natural
Brendan Klein | 11/28/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The story is about a man which this new task is go to Shaolin to protect "Treasure" , he is also not known that what is the treasure that he need to protect.But after manythings happened he finally found that the thing that he really need to go to protect is his love , a girl whom has natural power,she is so kind and nice(led by Wu Chien Lien)since he had found for his real love in all of his life,that he didn't known before that his love is really in China in Shoulin,Wu Chien Lien's performance in this movie is so pure and natural,she can made the audience to believe in her, nice and kind could make the man can left the life that he were in live with her in China,the romantic through this movie is so nice and really made me feel deeply romance in my heart."
Definitely a Tresurable Hunt!
morgoth | 07/27/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie isn't a perfect blend of action, comedy, drama and romance, but it still works despite it's slightly too uneven mix. (Thus, I actually give this four and a half stars, but the rating bar doesn't allow halves.)
Chow Yun Fat is a gorgeously charismatic scene stealer whether being a killer, comedian or gushing romantic."
Pleasantly Surprised
morgoth | 09/10/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The versatile Chow Yun Fat once again shows that he's capable of delivering action, comedy and romance in one character. I was pleasantly suprpised at the extent to which this movie is entertaining. It is now a part of my collection."
Monk fight between the Lizard from 'The Five Deadly Venoms'
morgoth | omaha, NE | 11/24/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The movie starts out pretty weird. There are a lot of things that are thrown at you pretty quickly. But, if you have ever seen a Jeffrey Lau movie before this mon't come as a surprise. Chow Yun-Fat is on a mission for the CIA and is told to stay at a Shaolin Temple. Being a huge kung fu fan I was more than happy to see Gordon Liu as one of the senior monks. So Chow doesn't really fit in but meets a girl who just happens to show up to Shaolin. Chien-lien Wu and Chow have amazing chemistry in this movie and with literally NO action other than a pole fight and a couple of quick shootouts, they had to fill a lot of screen time and they did very well.
So Chow and the girl fall in love and we learn that the girl has supernatural powers.
Phillip Kwok('5 Deadly Venoms', 'Hard-boiled' is the action choreographer and really doesn't get to do much in that department but does have a great role as a taxi driver you will love to hate. He is such a smartass that you can't help but like him. Out of nowhere he shows up at Shaolin and Gordon Liu says that the head abbot said for him not to come back. WHAT!?!?!?!!? Like I said, Jeffrey Lau directs this movie and it is all the better for it. Phillip Kwok doesn't appreciate Gordon talking down to him and challenges him to a fight. So this of course was the highlight of the movie for me but the relationshipo between Chien-lien Wu and Chow was almost as good. I would of liked more action and the finale wasn't spectacular what so ever but the movie still had a very good ending.
The Mei Eh version of this movie is pretty good picture quality and the subttiles are pretty good."