Enjoy this movie for what it is
Shannon | Oxford, OH | 03/18/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you like vampire humor, you will like this movie. If you like movies like Tequila Body Shots from the late 90's you will like this movie. If you take this movie for what it is, it is funny, enjoyable, and just good for a laugh, you will like this movie. This movie is great, because it knows its low-budget and low-brow and doesn't apologize for it. From the strange animated scenes to the dominatrix vampire hunter, what's not to like?"
A few laughs yes, but only a few
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 05/03/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Though it says "from the creators of Dorm Daze 1 & 2", Transylmania is better than either, albeit not by a whole lot. This fairly raunchy comedy follows a group of high school students on a trip to Romania, only to run afoul of vampires and other paranormal oddities. Cases of mistaken identity, a hunchbacked girl and her nefarious midget father, and a sexy vampire hunter are the orders of the day here, and while there are a few laughs to be had, they are sadly too few and far between. Still, there are enough visual gags, hot babes, and James DeBello to hold your attention, but for the most part, Transylmania doesn't offer anything you haven't seen or laughed at plenty of times before."
....and people thought "Twilight" was bad
Del Keyes | In the middle of the Sunshine | 06/20/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I could say "Transylmania" is the worst vampire comedy of all time, but I'm keeping that title in reserve until Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer released their forthcoming vampire movie spoof, because nothing is eerier in the pitch-black night than toilet jokes, Paris Hilton, pop culture jokes that will soon be dated five minutes after the film's release, and people getting hit by random moving objects (keep the status-quo, two of the six writers from "Scary Movie"). But make no mistake, this movie came straight out of a septic tank. It is devoid of any pleasure, even with its fair share of boobs, because it tried its earnest to make me hate everything regardless if it's living or not.
The ghastly frat tale is about a gang of sex-fiends, weed addicts, and ditsy girlfriends on a long trip to the Transylvania University for good times (because I guess they can't afford Cancun). There, they met a midget and a hot 'vampire hunter', the latter is on mission throughout generations to kill a vampire legend named Radu, who just happens (for convenience misunderstood gags) to look like the pathetic horny lead named Rusty. Vampires are causing a ruckus on the unsuspecting jerks in order to revive a vampress, and what proceeds is the gang getting high, getting laid, going on rave parties, rinse, repeat, regurgitate. There's also a sub-plot where Rusty meets his girlfriend from the internet, but when he finally met her, an ugly surprise groveled him in disgust, but then it's the whole Jenifer/Leela argument in that she has attractive features despite her deformities (but hey, that's just me).
"Transylmania" may not bear the National Lampoon name, but since the directors of the film made the first two "Dorm Daze" movies and this was suppose to be a third outing of the series, it is unofficially a National Lampoon movie and thus has all its patented 'qualities': fart jokes, gay jokes, sexism, and pigheaded frat-ernization. None of the characters show any kind of sympathy, especially those like that druggie who cheated on his girlfriend with her twin sister, while the girlfriend thinks he's a good influence despite him taking drugs right in front of her. They're either total jerks, incompetent spazes, or completely brain-dead like the cheerleader who makes Britney from "Daria" look wise.
To be fair, I anticipated such depravities. When it comes to National Lampoon, nothing is shameful to the name. Nevertheless, whether this film is suppose to be a spoof or a comedic take on the vampire genre, it failed to do either. So much time is on the characters doing stupid things that they made me wish "Transylmania" is made by Eli Roth or Ron Jeremy, because if the movie's not torture porn or regular porn, all it does is just make me mad."