Transmorphers: Fall of Man - [Blu-ray review]
R. Caymo | California | 07/17/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
Well this is your standard 'B' rated SCI-FI movie. But honestly, this is movie presents itself like a piss poor SCI-FI channel original movie. It stars Bruce Boxleitner (of TRON fame and the only one worth mentioning), Jennifer Rubin, Shane Van Dyke (written by), and some other unknowns. Like some sci-fi movies that feature some sort of robotic theme, this movie uses the Roswell Arc; the alien technology we found at the crash was used to reverse engineer today's technology. HDTVs, cellphones, cars, you name it, came from this alien incident! Turns out, everything we were building, is the capable army of these Transmorphers. Then plot disintegrates from there and you just wasted an 1:25 of your life.
Well this was obviously a low budget film in all aspects; the acting (at least Boxleitner did an OK job, he was the only VET actor after all), the effects (oh boy, I am not about to start), and the direction. Some would argue that even some low budget films (like the ones done by Magnolia) have a great story at best, but there is nothing that saves this film. The pacing and presentation are just INCOHERENT complete with laughable effects and a gratuitous sex scene. All in all, the movie as a whole will not grab you.
VIDEO: (1.78:1/MPEG-2/1080p)
I think ASYLUM actually took some sort of time with transfer. Presented in an 1.78:1, this MPEG-2 is actually pretty clean for the most part. There are no notable signs of dirt, spec, or noise, but it does have some signs of Macro Blocking (yeeesh). The detail is fine, it would kind of remind you of a really good HD broadcast (that is being a little generous).
While the detail for the most part is intact, I can not say the same for the color. This entire movie is covered in some sort of yellow filter. It is everywhere and in every scene. At first I thought someone messed with my TV settings, but nope, IT IS the transfer. Not pleasing to the eyes, and definitely not a DEMO-worthy video transfer in the slightest.
AUDIO: (DD 5.1 @ 448kbps & LPCM 2.0 @ 1.5mbps)
Hmmm where to start. Well for one, the case is labeled as DTS-HD. This in actuality is mis-leading. This movie is encoded with two audio options; your standard 5.1 DD (that sits a steady 448kbps) and a LPCM 2.0 (1.5mbps). I should note that even earlier Blu-ray movies were encoded at 640kbps for standard 5.1 DD. BUT NOT THIS MOVIE!
Ahem that aside, the 5.1 audio projection terrible in all the speakers. There is barely any rear surround use and the LFE is joke. To be short, this is a front heavy (FL, C, and FR) movie minus the LFE.
Basically you are better off leaving it on 2.0, because truthfully that is what it is, but not much better.
EXTRAS: (Presented in 1080i and 1080p)
I guess when you work on a set or if you are an actor in any movie, you have fun either way, because it seems like everyone did while I was watching the extras.
Making of Transmorphers: Fall of Man
Deleted Scenes
*NOTE: This movie does not support POP-UP!
In conclusion, if you want to watch a SCI-FI movie with a terrible story, laughable effects, sub-par video presentation, poor audio, or you are a blu-ray collector like me, then you may want to pick this one up. Otherwise, I would avoid this one for you may lose an hour and a half of your life.
Reviewed with:
Samsung LNT4061F (120hz/1080p) (Professionally calibrated)
Yamaha RX-V465 with Orb Audio surrounds and sub
Sony PS3 60gb"
Lauren Leader-chivee | 09/11/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Please DO NOT rent this movie. This is a scam. A terrible scam. Horrible acting, horrible scenario and even more horrible special effects."
Not worth it
Ryan Blumenthal | Melbourne, FL USA | 09/13/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I rented this movie and can say it was a waste of funds to film it, Poor Acting, Poor Graphics.. some hot women, wished they showed more of, but all i can say is wait till a friend has it and borrow it. at least its free then but i still say its a waste of time doing."