The complete Emmy® Award-winning epic of the Maximals and the Predacons in one 8-DVD set featuring all 52 episodes spanning 3 seasons! — When the descendants of the treacherous Decepticons - now known as Predacons - la... more »nd on a mysterious planet in search of the powerful crystal fuel Energon, it's up to Optimus Primal and the heroic Maximals to stop them before they conquer the universe!
Bonus Features:
Retrospective featurettes
Art galleries
New interviews
12-pg book
Bonus! The Transformers - Beast Wars: Complete Series set includes a 24-page comic book Transformers Timelines "Dawn of Future's Past." Originally published by Fun Publications for BotCon in 2006, this is the official prequel story leading right up to the start of Beast Wars and offers valuable insight into all of the events that led to Optimus Primal's crew chasing after Megatron and his Predacons! Fans will enjoy this pre- Beast Wars story as well as several other Transformers extras! The story is written by Forest Lee and Pete Sinclair with Beast Wars story editor Bob Forward and Benson Yee serving as story consultants.« less