Fantastic Video!
C. Tashjian | Manhasset, New York USA | 10/05/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I loved this video and consider myself intermediate to advanced. I can do backbends and headstands but really who cares. A great video has great teachers, music that helps you go deeper into your practice (i.e. the tamboura does it for me) and an easy to follow sequence. They both have calm, peaceful voices and offer different insights on their separate audio tracks. Rodney Yee and Erich Schiffmann are great too but it is so nice to mix it up. If you want to feel happy and peaceful this is the perfect yoga DVD."
Nice change of pace
Jean Cowan | Crofton, MD United States | 03/29/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I greatly enjoyed practicing to this DVD because - unlike a lot of videos made by the beach, or on rocks, or on what look like desert islands or the moon (Shiva Rea's), this one had a very real sense of being in a live yoga classroom, such as one would find at Kripalu Institute (with the wonderful musicians). For those who find the music annoying, I believe there are music choices available. The poses are done slowly, and with beauty - David does the more challenging version, Sharon the more beginner or intermediate. It is not a difficult program if you are already familiar with the poses and terms. I was also caught up short a bit with the cowboy song during shavasana (and I think that - for a commercial DVD they should have chosen something more vanilla) but I let myself go into it & had a great time feeling that I was settling down by a fire on the trail out West, with a tin mug of warm drink, under the stars, with the cattle & horses all settled in the night. By keeping an open mind, I ended up being delighted. THis might have been someone's idea of a Krishna like life surprise!"
Jivamukti is the best!
kittycity | new york | 02/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"last year i religiously went to to jivamukti classes about 3 times a week. and it is the best thing i have ever done for myself! i even got my boyfriend hooked. but classes can get expensive and living in brooklyn, it was hard to motivate to get into the city to go to class sometimes. i agree that you don't get the "full jivamukti experience" from the video as the real class, but this is the best yoga video i've ever had, and i trust sharon gannon and david life to only create the best video they could. hopefully they will come out with more, but for now, this is the only video i do. and i have plenty others, but i feel most attached to this one."
Yoga session for Advanced Beginners (no instruction)
Lena, LMT | Nassau, NY | 07/12/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Professionally recorded, this yoga session is very soothing with emphasis on seamlessly integrating the breath with movement. This is not for novices due to the lack of instruction, but those who know how to do the asanas/poses correctly w/o any direction, and being able to know the poses by their Sanskrit name & not just English is better since the English name is never given.
The music is a live band, and you have the option of voice overs from either David Life who will always tell you when to inhale/exhale, the pose name, and generally is quiet, or Sharon Gannon who tells you always when to inhale/exhale, the pose name, as well as more mind/body awareness, and occasionally the benefits of poses (especially inverted).
The session is made for advanced beginners as the hardest poses are full wheel, and a headstand w/forearms done with David while Sharon stays in a high downward dog. The pace is almost yin yoga, you will be holding the pose for several/many breaths to really feel the stretch and to relax into the pose.
Grounding/chanting - (3 min) standing, just sometimes chanting OM
Sun Salutations - (6 min) mostly mountain, standing back bend, standing fwd bend, downward dog, plank, chaturanga, cobra, and adding lunges
Standing Poses - (13 min) warrior 1, triangle, warrior 2, side angle, pyramid, twisted prayer lunge, seated twist, fwd bend over simple seated cross legged pose, plank, chaturanga, cobra, downward dog. Repeat with the other foot fwd. This requires more lower body strength as you are doing all those poses on the same leg before allowed to switch. Next wide legged seated fwd bend, chaturanga, rest in downward dog.
Balancing - (2 min) Intro about balancing while resting in downward dog, side plank on both sides, chaturanga, rest in cobra
Back Bending - (6 min) locust, bow, bridge, wheel, rest, knees to chest, reclined spinal twist knees to side, downward dog.
Forward Bending - (4 min) intro while in staff/seated legs straight, single straight leg fwd bends both sides, butterfly, star seat (looser butterfly stretch), both straight leg fwd bend.
Inverted Poses - (13 min) shoulder stand straight legs up, plow & knees to floor, fish, child's pose, down dog w/head cradled between forearms in 1/2 headstand then full headstand if ready, child's pose.
Meditation/Savasana - 5 min seated & 5 min reclined
This was a very soothing session with great yogis, the only issue I had was when holding the pose, though I enjoyed the constant inhale/exhale overall, a few more benefits of the pose in between would have been good inbetween, and the counting of the breath (inhale/exhale 1, inhale/exhale 2, inhale/exhale 3 .... inhale/exhale 24...) was very annoying, like a very slow aerobics session.
Bios of both yogis
Over one minute freestyle yoga - demonstration of them doing harder poses
Almost 9 min. facial massage - voiced over by Sharon which includes a couple yoga facial poses, massage of the face/ears, and stimulating acupressure points of the face w/calming music.
Video Clips:
Trailer at: acaciacatalog
Sequence at: youtube under "Jivamukti Yoga Sequence""