Transatlantic with Street — Crossing the Atlantic under sail is an experience every yachtsman dreams of. This program takes you through the 5,000 mile Trade Winds route from Ireland to the winter sunshine of the Caribbean. ... more »A 44-foot yawl with no engine, an amateur crew and Don Street, author of The Ocean Sailing Yacht and The Caribbean Cruising Guide, make this a passage packed with practical value. The first landfall is Vigo, just to weather of Cape Finisterre - in the shipping lanes in dense fog with only a sextant and an ancient RDF to help you. Then out across the bare ocean to the tiny island of Porto Santo. There's enchanting Madeira, the haunting isolation of the Salvage Islands and the commercialism of the Canaries. The Trade Winds fill in at 20 N., where we start the exciting reach down to the Third World of Cape Verdes. The last leg is 2100 nm downwind. We see whales and almost loose the mainmast before ending our Atlantic crossing on beautiful Antigua.