Tragedy in the Holy Land: The Second Uprising focuses on the conflict in the Middle East exclusively from the point of view of the Palestinian people. Using standard documentary techniques, such as news footage, intervi... more »ews with scholars, and commentary by visitors to the region, the long history of the conflict is chronicled in some detail. However, the film's content is so heavily slanted that it comes off as a strident denunciation of Israel and Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The anecdotal evidence offered is often dramatic, but without a balanced airing of some very controversial material, a viewer really has no sound basis upon which to decide what is true and what is propaganda. It can be commendable to present material that may not be well publicized, and there's nothing wrong with a documentary advocating a point of view. However, this video raises more questions than it answers. --Robert J. McNamara« less
Thomas A. Horne | Santa Fe, NM United States | 03/07/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film is an excellent introduction to the history of the Palestine Israeli struggle. It is the historical information that most United States citizens are unfamiliar with that ultimately determines where justice lies (just as it did in South Africa and in the American south) and makes the current situation so obviously fascist. This must stand as basic essential information and arguments over details can only be secondary. This should be shown in every high school in America. Bush's rhetoric about honoring UN resolutions is also shown to be just so much more deceit from the US leadership..."
This DVD has changed my life
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I've always considered myself a well-educated, well-informed man . . . until I saw this dvd, that is. This dvd does a brilliant job in showing the plight of the Paletinian people, both today and historically, that the typical American does not have the privilege of viewing.Watch this dvd, replay it over and over, and you will have a new understanding of the conflicts in the Middle East that you never had before."
Hisotrical Facts about the Palestinians/Isreallis never endi
HG | Boston, MA | 02/09/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"For a while, I was looking for a documentary that addresses and details the root cause of the never ending bloody conflict in the Middle East between the Israelis and the Palestinians. It was hard to find a documentary that addresses the subject from a historical prospective to address the root cause that let to this never ending conflict and shed lights to "why" this is happening.
To be able to understand any conflict one shall have a fair, unbiased, and in depth historical background of what lead to this situation. This documentary is an excellent introduction to the history of the Palestine Israeli conflict and to the Palestinian struggle. The historical information that most American citizens are unfamiliar with that ultimately determines where justice lies and makes the current situation so obviously so unbearable for Palestinians.
The producer use testimonies of many groups of: Israelis, Palestinians, Americans, and other Peace Organizations from around the world.
This is a must see for anyone who wants to know the root cause of the never ending and bloody conflict in the middle east. It is for everyone who wants to understand why "All" negotiations failed to bring rest and peace to that region. It is unbelievable how much suffering Palestinians went and still going through, and yet they are still standing ..."
An absolute must!
plleal1 | Kaiserslautern, Germany | 10/20/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am a World History...and highly recommend the use of this video in the classroom. It changed my perspective of the conflict between the Palestinians and Israeli's. This is the story from the perspective of the Palestinians. It will shock you...amazing story! Don't miss out sharing in the classroom."
Excellent heart touching documentary.
S Sharef | CA, USA | 04/14/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The "Tragedy in the Holy Land: The Second Uprising" (2001) video is an excellent documentary that gives the viewer a more in depth look at the roots of the current conflict in the Middle East. People who know the conflict from watching regular TV news, have only scratched the surface, and do not understand the complexity of the conflict. With the growing interest in understanding the Middle East conflict, it is about time that such a documentary was produced.
This video is a must see for all those who are interested in obtaining a first hand look at the dialy realities lived in Middle East, and understanding the causes behind the conflict in that part of the world."