A. Olsthoorn | The Netherlands | 09/21/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"BCI/Navarre has licenced quite a number of the films from Troma's vaults - namely many of the older titles from their catalog. And this is a good thing. With Troma releasing no less than 8 new films of their own making and other young filmmakers each month (and packing them with fingerlicking good extra features) many of the older gems haven't found their way to a decent DVD-release so far. And that is something of a shame, because there are some wonderful pieces of art in their vaults. BCI seems to be planning to release 7 of these Toxie's Triple Terror boxes of three DVD's each, which is the best opportunity to pick up some wonderful low budget horror movies that otherwise may be unavailable in any form for a long time! And for a VERY LOW PRICE!!Take for example the film this first volume takes off with - an edge-of-the-seat horror thriller made in 1982: THE CURSEOF THE CANNIBAL CONFEDERATES with a highly original and unique twist on the living dead subgenre. OK - if you find your enjoyment in expensive special effects, but don't care about a good story or any tension whatseover you are better off with any of the new 110-million-dollar-blockbusters that Hollywood keeps vomiting out. However, if you are looking for good stories, real tension and inventiveness in artmaking, here is a fine example. The budget for this film cannot have exceeded the three figure mark, but I have been on the edge of my seat watching this thing, which is something that the Big Conglomerates never manage anymore, with their products that are never the vision of an ARTIST but more a concensus between the moneyhungry executives. The picture quality may not be perfect, lighting improvisational and sound editing inventive when you know that the sources vary a lot. But who cares - this director has made something with his non existent budget that Hollywood can only dream of, and one can only wonder what kind of brilliance this guy would have delivered if he would have had even 10.000 dollars to work with!!The second title in this box is DEMENTED DEATH FARM MASSACREhas an atmoshpere that is just as unsettling and has it's own twist on the thug-meets-redneck theme. About everything that I said of the first film in this box can be repeated here - it's briljant horror, with some black humor thrown in.DEATHLY DAPHNE'S REVENGE rounds up this first set, and makes it a collection that begs for more. The production values and acting are superb for a low budget film, and the way the leading character, played by Laurie Tait Partgridge, makes this viewer feel for her and want her perfectly understandable revenge work is stunning.The packaging of these films is very well done, a nice slipcase that houses three ultra-slim keepcases (the same kind that were used by Bue Underground for their briljant Mondo Cane Collection), all covers containing the original theatrical posters and the films are indeed presented as Troma Team Releases, so the credits are still where they are due.
Highly recommended for anyone who bothers to look a bit further than just digital special effects."