Minimally Entertaining
M. Ryan Fairbanks | Cleveland, Ohio | 10/01/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"By now we all know the story behind The Toxic Avenger parts 2 and 3. They were made to be one cohesive film, it was too long, hence divided into two halves or movies. It was an interesting experiment, leave it to Troma to try something like that, however the results left a lot to be desired.
After watching parts 2 and 3, it becomes evident that this hardly bears any resemblence to the original Toxic Avenger at all. Toxie has a totally different outgoing personality, he looks different, even his name was changed from Melvin Fyrd to Melvin Junko. Nevertheless the first half (part 2) was bearable, though the plot had more holes than a slice of swiss cheese...
The Toxic Avenger 3: The Last Temptation of Toxie is virtually plotless. Comprised almost entirely of remainder footage from part 2, the film is almost confusing in its similarity. The first 30 minutes is the same concept as part 2, Toxie ranting about the lack of meaning in his life and how depressed he is. Eventually he gets a job at Apocalypse Inc. (Yes the same one he just defeated in the previous film...I guess they just never went away). When the town learns of his alliance with the evil Apocalypse, they turn their backs on the hero. Realizing his mistake, Toxie sets out to make everything right again in a confrontation with the devil himself.
I'm not going to comment on the dialogue, or special effects, or screenplay, because this is a Troma film. I realize that what Troma does is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but this flick is pretty bad even for that type of film. Toxic 3 is just a hodgepodge of left over footage that translates into one giant, nonsensical continuity error. If you enjoyed the original, I'm sure you want to see every Toxic Avenger movie. (I know I did!) But if you can resist, just skip this one."
The Worst of the Series, But Still a Lot of Fun
Crypt | Arkham | 10/13/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"What a great idea... after Toxie cleans up Tromaville and makes it a "nice place to live" where people are happy and dance like idiots in the streets, who's left for Toxie to oppose? Well, how about THE DEVIL!!! For those that don't know the story behind parts II and III, it was originally supposed to be one movie. The ony problem is that after it was completed it turned out to be something like 6 hours long! So the directer decided to chop the film in half and trim it down to two seperate movies. This explains the continuity problems and the fact that Part III seems to have such a weak plot. It's really just the end of one long movie. Personally I would have liked to see it as a 6 hour epic, but that's just me. So anyway, the themes of evil big business conglomerates being represented by satan is taken literally this time around. Now we find out that the Chairman of Apocalypse Inc (whom you'll remember from part II) is actually Old Nick himself (i.e. Satan) trying to pollute the planet and control the people. Of course we all know who wins. With the help of non other than the Good Lord, Toxie mashes satan. I would say to ignore those advising to steer clear of this movie. I found it to be, while not quite as good as I and II, a good, fun little movie."
The Weakest Of All TA's, but still enjoyable.
Micheal Hunt | Hellbourne | 06/29/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I first got into the Toxic Avenger with this very movie years ago. I loved the humour and the over the top goofyness of it. I became a fan 'cause of this movie and then later on saw Toxie 1 and saw why people didnt like the sequels 'cause they where more comedy driven then gore, like the original.
However, part II does has some great re-inserted gore bits that makes it better then it's original release. I was hoping that this one, part III, the directors cut would have re-inserted some bloody awsome grouseme shots. But, I hardly noticed any changes at all from the old VHS copy I had.
It had been a long time since I watched any of the Toxies, and watching them all on DVD in the correct order, i did see why this movie is said to be the weakest of them all, it does drag for a while through the middle of it and doesnt pick up untill the end. But there is still some great scenes in it.. however, I cant say you will enjoy it, some will, some wont, it depends on taste and how much you loved the first movie I guess.
The DVD contains the movie. The movies fine, except it looked a bit faded in color. The subtitles are screwed up. it's only in stereo, the commantary is the usual crap, the Toxic interviews would only entertain the die hard fan, they would put everyone else to sleep, Clips from the Anthology Film Archives screening of the movie is a snore, Watch the Naked Dance of the Damned Fat is just a dumb extra added, Absorb the Radiation March is a stupid thing put on every Troma DVD, Visit the Troma Treasure Chest is something that has potential to advertise there gift store, but it's just not funny, Learn to TromaDance is for the dumn at heart, The Mutant Slide Show old-school style is a bunch of pics and cover arts, Where in the World Is Toxie is hardly diffrent from the one on the 1st TA DVD, i didnt even bother going through them all.... the bonus features are pretty weak.. some outtakes & Deleted scenes are badly needed, but unfortunalty none exsist because they where thrown away.
If your a fan of Toxie and want this to complete the collection, then theres no stopping you from buying it, but otherwise, look for it in the cheapie bin or rent it, it's ok, and watchable again and again, but it's not as classic or as strong as part 1, 2 & 4's directors cuts."